Small baby?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
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Hello, hope everyone is doing well! I had a scan the other day and baby is measuring 1.6kg at 31 weeks which is well within range so im not worried, BUT he said she will be born around 6lbs 3oz to 7lbs. I realize this is not worryingly small but my daughter was nearly 9lbs so im.a bit scared! Should i buy clothes one size down? My eldest was a bruiser and a small baby just seems so delicate! Any advice would be appreciated :) or just to tell me im being silly :)
I personally think scan predictions are really unreliable and a waste of time. Have they given a reason why you'd have a much smaller baby this time if your first was so big? At 31 weeks it seems early for them to give a birth weight estimation

I'd maybe have a set of newborn sleepsuits on hand but don't spend a fortune
Eldest was born at 41+5 but this one will be delivered earlier with a planned section, so im sure there will be a discrepancy. Maybe im just finding things to worry about! I also didnt realise 31 weeks was early for a weight estimate, although it does make sense. Thanks!
I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the weight estimate, as I have seen plenty of people being given estimates only for their baby to be born 1-2 lbs more or less.

Mine was estimated at 1,550g at 30+5 weeks, and three weeks later at 2,400g, but not worrying too much as it's impossible to tell from any of these estimates. I'm not bothering with any newborn sizes either, only 0-3 months, as it seems like a waste and I hardly think she will mind if the clothes are a bit too big on her for a bit!
I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the weight estimate, as I have seen plenty of people being given estimates only for their baby to be born 1-2 lbs more or less.

Mine was estimated at 1,550g at 30+5 weeks, and three weeks later at 2,400g, but not worrying too much as it's impossible to tell from any of these estimates. I'm not bothering with any newborn sizes either, only 0-3 months, as it seems like a waste and I hardly think she will mind if the clothes are a bit too big on her for a bit!

I thought the same however those couple of pounds can make a difference especially for vests as they will fall of the shoulders and not secure help keep nappy in place if they are too much too big.

My first was 5lb when born at 36+6 and we had bought 7lb size clothes. He looked ridiculous as his feet didn't even go down the leg holes. This time I have bought a variety of sizes however baby is measuring quite big so probably wont need the smaller stuff.
With my 7 year old I was told to expect him to be in the 10lb region, he came a week late and weighed 7lb 3oz. This time round they are giving me extra growth scans as my son is classed as a small baby. The scans are just an estimate, I would maybe but a handful of smaller sizes but don't go crazy as they're not 100% accurate xx
When i was pregnant i had gestational diabetes so had regular scans. My last scan was at 38 weeks and they said my son would weigh around 6lb. 2 weeks later i gave birth naturally to a 10lb 4oz chunk! I will never listen to the predictions of a growth scan ever again. X
My third little boy was born weighing 6lbs 1oz and he wore tiny baby for about 3-4weeks, he dropped to 5lb 10oz and took ages to get to birth weight again. As for growth scans he measured on the 5th centile from 30 weeks (1.2kg 2lb 11oz) and was 1.58kg at 33weeks (3lb 8oz). The 24hrs before he was born he was estimated as 5lbs 11oz at a growth scan so it was 5oz out which wasn't too bad in my eyes xx

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Hello, hope everyone is doing well! I had a scan the other day and baby is measuring 1.6kg at 31 weeks which is well within range so im not worried, BUT he said she will be born around 6lbs 3oz to 7lbs. I realize this is not worryingly small but my daughter was nearly 9lbs so im.a bit scared! Should i buy clothes one size down? My eldest was a bruiser and a small baby just seems so delicate! Any advice would be appreciated :) or just to tell me im being silly :)

Hey I don't believe in the scans being that accurate really.

I was told after a scan for static growth from 36weeks my daughter would be at most 6lb 6 at birth. She was born at 39weeks weighing 7lb 5oz.

For clothes she did actually fit tiny baby and newborn clothes at birth so I'd get some in. She was weighed last week at 7lb 14oz, will be done tomorrow and I expect she will be over 8lb. Her up to one month stuff still doesn't fit her though at almost 3 weeks.

My eldest was 6lb 14oz and she didn't wear 0-3 until she was almost 4 months so it's worth getting some smaller sized vests and onesies in at least xx
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Take it with a pinch of salt
At 35+5 I. Measure 41+4, I was told by at least 6 people I was having a Big. Baby.

I was terrified... I went into. Labour 2 days later and gave birth to a teeny tiny 6lb 9oz baby
Thanks to everyone who answered :). I bought a couple of things in newborn size and ill just wait and see what size she comes out!
I was sceptical about the scans and weights etc.
I was scanned every 3 weeks. At 40 weeks my daughter was estimated at 7lbs8 with measurements from body and legs she was too far down to get a head measurement. 10 days later she was born at 8lb6oz.
Up to 10lbs newborn fitted for a couple of weeks. The majority I bought was 0-3

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