Slow labour?

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Don't worry, i don't think i'm in slow labour but when people say their in slow labour what does that mean??

Are you getting strong pains for weeks or period pains?? Is your cervix dilating slowly weeks before labour?

I'm really confussed and prob sound really daft! I had a very quick labour with lacey so litterly had a niggle to full on pains within an hour!
i had a quick labour with bella, pains started and i was in full labour. With colbi i was in slow labour from the sunday night i was getting period pains on and off nothing regular all the way through to tuesday morning. so id say slow labour is period pain/contractions not regular. x
I never knew what slow labour was either! x
i thought it was just where youre in early labour for what feels like forever, ive heard the odd story of like 36 hour labours and stuff, guessing its something like that? x
I was in a really slow labour for a week. Basically just period pains and mild contractions randomly. It gets frustrating and uncomfortable lol. x
Slow labour near enough 2 and a half weeks now! It's not nice I basically have contractions (yep showing on the machine and everything) starting like period pains then stronger n stronger for like 4hours or summat then all of a sudden they will fade apart and go away lol!! It's horrible!! The docs won't do anything for me because I'm
Not 41 weeks yet lol!! Bastar*s

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Yeah I think the girls are right. Just means contractions and niggles on and off for a period of time. I had it over a week before my first was born. Sometimes some if us don't realise and we get a nice surprise like I did when I went into hospital at 7cms already!
Ooh that sounds great Yodabo, I would love to get that far without knowing!
Yeah lol it was madness! I got to the hospital after I had a show and I was puking up. My back was in agony (found out he was back to back that's why all the contractions were mire in my back) she checked me, 7cms! They popped my waters and 1hr 50 mins after I first arrived I had him. Crazy!
I was in slow labour with my daughter, I was havin painful recordable contractions for a week before I had my daughter.I was bloody exhausted! I literally didn't sleep for a week before I was classed as in established labour - I knew something was wrong though. I kept telling them that it didn't feel right, but because it was my first I didn't know for sure. I think instinctively you just know when something isn't right.

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