Sleepy day?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2007
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Maybe I'm just used to her being awake for long stretches but today we had a very sleepy day and it's got me wondering if anyone else with a wakeful little un has days like this?

Basically between the hours of 7am and 8pm she sleeps probably about 2 or 3 times in bursts of a maximum of an hour. Thankfully it means she goes a big stretch at night from 9pm - 3am, a sleepy feed and then through till 6 or 7am. Today she slept for pretty much the entire afternoon - from 12 till 3, then from 4-6 when she was colicky for only around 3/4 of an hour (as opposed to 2) and then bubbly and coo-y until 8.

I'm always paranoid that she's ill but over the last few days she's been trying to hit and grasp things and I'm wondering if this activity has just plain taken it out of her!
The weather been pretty muggy down here today and that usually makes my baba sleepy.
Yeah it's been like that here too, quite warm. Our LOs have the same birthday :lol:
When my LO has a few days of lots of sleeping lots, it's usually followed by a few days of screaming :lol: Which is what we're going through at the moment!! I think it's a growth spurt :lol:
You might find she's taken a stretch today!

Mhairi used to have sleepy days and then the next day she would have grown visably!!!!

I had that the other day too. She started at 10am. Usually she never sleeps between 7am and 12pm (i wish she would so i can get dressed easier) But she'd wake up for a feed then sleep straight after. Bothered me but she's still trying to shift a cold. We've had it 2 weeks.
Yesterday my LO had a very sleepy day.
She is usually awake most of the day just like your LO. At the most she will have just a few naps which range from 30mins to 2 hours.

But yesterday spent longer periods asleep, we both had a long snooze in the afternoon which is usually when she is most alert.

Didnt affect her night sleep she went down as usual last night at 8.30pm and woke as usual at 7ish.

Think my LO is having a bit of a growth spurt as she is also feeding a little more than usual from me.
Daftscotslass - you could be describing Connie perfectly with your description of your LO's routine :shock: :shock:

AND to make matters weirder she also slept basically from 3pm to 10pm yesterday :shock: and I was wondering why...

Must be the weather? :hug:
daftscotslass said:
Yeah it's been like that here too, quite warm. Our LOs have the same birthday :lol:

LisaJ1986's LO has the same birthdate as our baba's as well!!

Hows Becky today? x :hug:
Good thank you! She was wide awake and cooing at 6.30 this morning so she came into bed with me since OH was up for work and I managed to get about another hour and a half. I don't think she slept though because I woke up to her staring right at me with a big smile on her face and her eyes like saucers. Gave me a bit of a fright! :shock:

Apart from an hour in the morning and perhaps the same again in the afternoon she didn't have a sleepy stretch today though we were out and about and visiting my work this afternoon because it was the school fete today. Evening was around an hour or so of the usual screaming the place down and she's been asleep since 8.30 now.

Bex that's weird innit, typical girls! :lol: It was particularly muggy and humid yesterday but a sort of drier warmth today so I'm wondering if that was it. Who knows!!

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