sleepless nights....


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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I havent been able to sleep for a week now :roll: Do anyone else suffer from this aswell? I also cough alot at night and it hurt so much in my ribs when I cough, but getting better.. Just feel Im going crazy, wake up every hour need to go to toilet etc... What could I do?? I would love to get one whole night sleep before the baby is here lol x
I just read this blog and I (although early) am having awful restless nights through weeing every hour and just back and hip ache. I am forever turning from side to side and feeling uncomfortable. I just feel as though I could screem. Not long and at least the other person is getting comfort. Little lucky person xx
yeah horrible nights. It shocks me as in the night i seem to need the loo a million more times than in the day!I am just making the most of when i feel the get up and go. Last few nights have been terrible really really bad so most the weekend i let myself be in and out of sleep night and day, chill and not really venture out just do things around the house and make sure im fed and watered :) but then every now and again i have a good day and make the most of it. Im used to rubbish sleep as had insomnia and had to stop taking my medication when i found out i was preg. so its nice that now i am on mat leave so got no work no other children etc i can just sleep / rest within reason whenever xxxxxx hope you get a couple of good nights soon if not you could always look into a herbel way? mention it to MW and really heat up relaxation, ie lavender, preg pillow, nice temp in bedroom, read a book etc good luck!! xxx

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