sleeping position


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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do your babies still sleep on their backs? eva does but she tosses and turns from side to side all the time. im wondering if she isnt comfortable. she has a bald patch because of it now :lol:
Heidi still sleeps on her back - I dont think she is that keen, but at the moment she cant roll over (wont be long though - as she is always trying to!)

She also has a little bald patch forming and her head is a bit flat too!

L x
Seren sleeps on her back, she likes her side sometimes but it worries me to leave her like that as I am neurotic. She has a little bald patch too but now she is moving more it is starting to grow back. Eva is moving more because she can, if she was not happy I don't think she would sleep.
Harley is sick alot in his sleep so i put him on his side as iv often woke to him choking on sick when he is on his back..

Dior sleeps on her front with her lil bum up in the air :lol:
Dylans always really sleeps on his side but lately if i wake up his on his front so i quickly just turn him back on his side or bac
Alex has slept on his tummy since he was about 3/4 weeks old. he just hated being on his back. everytime he dropped off he would be fine then make some movement in his sleep and wake himself up, after a long deliberation what with all the advice re sleeping on back we decided that some babies are just tummy babies and put him on his front. Beacause he was restricted in his movement he stopped waking himself up.

he has always had a strong neck and been able to lift his head and turn it to the side so i wasnt worried he would put his face into the mattress. we also have a mattress alarm which made me feel better.

my sisters two girls are the same.
the only problem now is he can roll on to his back and if he fidgets in his sleep he does it by accident and then wakes up! i have to go in and roll him back and he goes straight back off. yet to master rolling back to front so mummy doesnt have to get up :lol:

I was considering letting Brody sleep on his tummy as he loves being that way round.
However, after all the stuff in the news recently I decided against it. I never realised a baby is 9 times more likele to die of cot death if they are sleeping on their tummy.

Can i just say that i dont encourage anyone to go against the advice given re back sleeping, it was my personal choice but i would never suggest anyone else do this and that they must examine the evidence & make their own decision :)

having said that i am always annoyed that very few articles or leaflets explain why there is an increased risk? do they know or are they going on statistics? i think people can make a more informed decision when they have facts not just advice or stats. many people i have spoken to who's kids are grown up or teenagers have said they were told with one child to back sleep then with the next to tummy sleep, and in once case with her fourth it was back sleeping again! one parent felt awful cos she then thought she had endangered her first child by letting them back sleep.

i have often wondered if it has swung round because the advice was to put babes on their back and everyone did. then eventually the stats would say more back babies were dying as thats just how most of them slept. so they changed to tummy sleeping so everyone does that and then of course most of the little ones that died would have been on their tummies? just wondered as the advice does seem to have swung to and fro over the years :?

sorry if that doesnt make any sense :?

i would have rathered that alex had slept on his back as per advice but once i put him on his front and he dozed off and slept for about 2 ½ hours (been less than an hour at any one time before that) i felt it was what was best for him.

Em78 said:
after a long deliberation what with all the advice re sleeping on back we decided that some babies are just tummy babies and put him on his front. Beacause he was restricted in his movement he stopped waking himself up.

you have obviously thought it all through hun. you have to make the right choices for youself cos every baby is different. i tried her on her side for a bit last night but she wouldnt settle - so back on the back.

i think they scare people loads about cot death :( i check she is breathing all the time now because of it. i know it happens and its awful but it's horrible having to worry about it all the time isnt it! :roll:

sometimes i wrap eva tight in her blanket if she isnt sleeping well and it helps her relax but they told me not to swaddle her. i make sure it wont go over her face and that she isnt too hot and she has been fine.

There was around a 70% drop in cot deaths when the sleeping on the back position was introduced.
i cant imagine how horrible it must be!! i sometimes feel like i want to poke eva if i cant see her breathing properly. i do feel more relaxed when she is on her back - but she hasnt really slept in any other position.

when i was in hospital the midwife told me stories about people she knew who had experienced cot death just before it was nap time on the ward :shock: needless to say i couldnt sleep when everyone else did!!! :shakehead:
Ah Thanks hun- so nice that no one judges you here! :D

it certainly wasnt a decision we took lightly. we follow all the other guidlines except baby being in you room till 6 months. but as i said we do have the mattress alarm monitor which gives peace of mind.

hated the news article as it makes you feel like you're being a bad mother and you only do it out of ignorance rather than an informed decision. as you say its all really scary but you have to keep it in persective and remember how rare it is now.

i often wonder if the stats give a true reflection as many people are made to feel bad about front sleeping so they say babies back sleep when asked. that would mess up the stats if that were to be the case :?

anyway good luck with Eva's sleeping - hope she cracks it soon :D

Em I totally agree with you. Our Alex has slept on his tummy from day onne as he doesnt settle at all on his back. He will sleep for nno longer than 30 minutes onn his back before waking. He throws himself about in his sleep and this usually wakes him up.

We also have a monitor with a movement alarm on it so if Alex stops breathing we are signalled and this is a massive piece of mind. My whhole family have slept on their tummy including my parents, my brother and I. We even tried swaddling which Alex was eventually uncomfortable with, eventually half swaddlig him and he always managed to escape so we also stick him in a grow bag. Only thing is he manages to wriggle his way up the cot every couple of weeks, think he is letting us know the alarm definetley works!

Its also piece of mind that Alex too has always had strong neck muscles and lifts his head right up to turn around, so his face is never caught down in his mattress.

Babies are all different, as long as you take the right precautions its whats best for your LO that counts.
Braydon starts to sleep on his bck (the way he is put) but in the nite hell roll onto his side or his front if his on his side he is cuddling his teddy
Maybe its their age? Last night Heidi kept rolling onto her side. She has recently been really trying to move onto her front - she tires herself out doing it. Everytime I woke I (or DH!) moved her back onto her back. She didint like it though and kept crying and moving back to her side.

It worries me something rotten all this cot death stuff - but how can I stop her rolling on her side when we are asleep?? :wall: :wall:

I moved her back into our room after hearing about the reasons for having them in your room for the first 6 months - and we dont smoke (gave up whilst pregnant), we are doing everything possible, and everything they reccomend - but I cant do anything about her
sleeping on her side if I put her down on her back and she rolls over on her own accord in the middle of the night??!!!!

It worries the hell out of me though :(

L x
Side sleeping is fine. If you are realy worried about her rolling onto her fropnt put her arm in front off her, or use a rolled up towel. xx
beanie said:
Side sleeping is fine.

Hi Beanie - I didnt know side sleeping was ok. - That makes me feel better about the whole thing.

She's never been 100% happy sleeping on her back - she has always tried to get onto her side from very young - the little monkey!!!

L x
The only reason they don't say side sleeping is because there is the chance that babies can roll onto their front. Seren will sleep on her side at times or on her back. I reckin though when she starts rolling more regularly she'll be on her front.
Think heidi will be the same as Seren - as soon as she can get onto her front she will.

I'm hoping by then though she will have learned that she needs to turn her head to the side to be able to breathe. Cos at the moment if I put her on her front she just buries her head and snuffles into the mattress / playmat :roll:

It's all so worrying - I know I will look back and regret not enjoying this stage of her life - but it is just filled with worry :?

L x
lisa31 said:
Think heidi will be the same as Seren - as soon as she can get onto her front she will.

I'm hoping by then though she will have learned that she needs to turn her head to the side to be able to breathe. Cos at the moment if I put her on her front she just buries her head and snuffles into the mattress / playmat :roll:

It's all so worrying - I know I will look back and regret not enjoying this stage of her life - but it is just filled with worry :?

L x

I'm the same hun, Seren is still in my room. Once they are able to roll onto their fronts they are ok. xxx

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