Sleep Problems


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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I got back from a wonderful holiday in the States last Saturday and thought I'd beaten the jet lag as I slept fine - and at normal times - Saturday, Sunday and Monday night. But I have not been able to sleep since then. I can't get to sleep until 3 or 4 in the morning and am knackered all day, but then still can't sleep again at night.

Everything I read tells me that I should be feeling great and full of energy by now - 17 weeks - but I feel dreadful. There's lots of references to sleep problems in the first and last trimesters, but everything seems to indicate that I should be sleeping well in the second.

Is this just delayed jetlag, or have others had sleep problems in the second trimester???

Between 14 and 20 weeks, I couldn't sleep at all, I was surviving on about 4/5 hours a night, it's only just getting better. I actually slept til 9am the other morning, I couldn't believe it!! My doctor said it was down to the hormones and nothing to worry about, but it's annoying isn't it?!
Hi Kim -

Thanks for the reply; it's nice to know it's not just me!!

At the weekend I didn't have to get up and slept until 11 Sat and 11.30 Sun which was brilliant as that meant 6 or 7 hours sleep, but today it's back to my usual 7 am routine and I didn't get to sleep until around 4.30!!

Feeling fairly shattered, but not actually quite as bad as I'd expect ;o)


- Skidoo
It hasn't happened to me. The only night I couldn't sleep was the night I discovered I was pregnant. My mind was racing!

However at my ante-natal class the lady sitting next to me said that she was having trouble sleeping now that she was in the second trimester.
I'm ok, the only problem is DH's snoring. Never used to wake me up, but it does now! :roll: A swift volley of punches normally sorts him out though ;)

I do find that I wake easier now though, and I often wake in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. Maybe I'm in a bad position and she's kicking me like billyo so I move?
I found I was not able to sleepat night in my bed until now. I changed my matress on my bed and I had the best nights sleep last night.
I don't have any problem going to sleep but once I wake up to go to the loo about 1am thats takes me hours to settle again. I then get into a good deep sleep again around 5-6am and then get up at 7.30 feeling crap!! :roll:

Some people say it's mother natures way of getting you used to night feeds etc......well, I don't need the practice, I know what it's like, I have done it twice please mother nature just let me enjoy these last few months of sleep filled nights!!

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