Sleep help??


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
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Ethan is 12 weeks old today Last week slept from half 8 until about half 5 for 3 nights in a row, but for the last 3 nights he has woken up nearly every hour. Last night he slept for 2 hours solid and that's all. He is not waking because he is hungry as he is only taking 2 oz thru the night but won't settle back to sleep. He doesn't sleep a lot through the day either and I have no idea what to do with him. Please help, I have tries everything I can think of :wall2:
Sorry your going through this hun could he be teething ? My kian was terrible when he teethed but got him a amber teething necklace which really helped. Is he only unsettled in the day ? Xxx

I have thought it could be his teeth, his fingers are always in his mouth but other than that he isnt really showing any other signs. He is generally a happy wee man through the day and goes down to sleep no problem, he cat naps through the day for about half an hour 3-4 times a day. I do the whole massage, bath and bottle routine before bed at night. He just seems to wake up and wants up which I don't ever do with him, the earliest I will bring him downstairs is half 5. Where do u get the amber teething necklace from and I'll give it a try. It's just really frustrating as he can sleep right through he just doesn't seem to really want to, I don't want to leave him to cry either as he will wake my other 2 kids up. Maybe I just expect too much my other 2 slept through the night really early on.
Can get anklets too I've got one on Rhea they are from Amber pumpkin website. Hopefully it's just a phase Rhea has had the odd night where I've had to get up to her every hr or so just to put her dummy back in. Does he self settle when u first put him down ? Xxx

Most of the time yes, but occasionally he will need his dummy put back in several times. He gets so tired at bedtime, I have trouble getting him to stay awake for his last bottle sometimes.
Oh bless him Rhea is like that too she seems to fight sleep in the second half of the day I sometimes have to almost give her a dream feed for the last one !! Hopefully he will sleep better for u tonight ! Found that my older 2 don't hear Rhea in the night so that does help ! Xxx

Ethan won't take a dream feed at all. If he's asleep he won't feed at all. He is lying on me now sleeping with 2oz left of his bottle. He must be exhausted after the last 3 nights I know I am lol.
Where does he sleep in the day? Charlie was cat napping til I put him upstairs for naps, swaddling him. He wipp go a good hour or so now but I do have to run up sometimes to put his dummy in.

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