Sleep Depravation


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2005
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Think I am going to go off my head. I can't sleep for any longer than 3 hours a night, and it's silly but it really annoys me that the OH is in a sound sleep snoring away. I feel so weepy, and I look rough as a dog (so everyone tells me) but I just can't switch off.

Tried baths, milky drinks, books you name it, but to no avail. Was it bed at 4 and up at 7 this morning with OH for his work.

It's getting to the stage now when I see my OH in a lovely sound sleep, I want to punch him!! I have been fine with sleep up until a week ago, don't know what's happened. Anyone else suffering too? :cry: :cry:
Are you able to nap in the day? I suffered at night but was able to catch up in the afternoons usually.
I'm exhausted. Couldn't get to sleep until 3 again last night and should've been up at 6.30. When my OH woke me at 7 I asked why my alarm hadn't gone off and it turned out I was sleeping on it.

My OH has to sleep on the couch most nights. When I do manage to sleep my snoring wakes him up and when I can't sleep his snoring drives me nuts and I have to kick him out of bed.

It is galling to lie awake next to a snoring partner. It upset me more in the first trimester because I'd never felt that exhausted before and he just didn't seem to understand how tired I was. He gets home from work earlier than me and always has a nap in the afternoon and it would drive me bonkers when he'd tell me he was tired and I was coping with a new pregnancy and 3 or 4 hours sleep a night!!!

Now I can't get to sleep before 3 or 4 most nights. Makes no difference what time I get up. In the holidays in didn't matter and I was getting plenty of rest (and napping in the day as well!), but now I'm back at work I don't know how I'm going to survive the next few weeks.
I know I'm only a few weeks pg, and sleeping for me is nowhere near as uncomfortable as it is for you ladies, but I just had to chip in and sympathise with you.

I don't think I have ever been so exhausted. Last night I fell sleep at 8 on the sofa. DH woke me up at 9.30 to tell me to go to bed :? , so I did, then laid awake until 1am. DH must have fallen sleep downstairs himself, because he didn't come bed until about 3am, which woke me up. I was still awake gone 4.15 listening to DH snoring (I swear I'm going to smother him one night!!), must have nodded off because I was woken at 4.28 by one of the dogs wanting to go out. Then back to bed and tried to get back sleep, but just dozed on and off until I gave up at 6.15 and got up. :(

And this has been going on for about 10 days now. No idea how I'm going to last the day at work....
Tankett - I found the first few weeks the hardest!! I couldn't sleep at all and was like a zombie all day. All day I would feel I was on the verge of deep sleep, but at night - ping - wide awake!!! And it's not helped by the fact that no-one knows why you're being such a freak.

It's why I told my boss when I was only about 8 or 9 weeks - I thought she'd think I'd developed a drinking problem or something. I used to have to put my head down on my desk for a few minutes and I had that thing where you produce extra saliva - I could just imagine her walking into the office to find me head down on the desk and drooling asleep.

It does get better after a while :D

....but then it gets bad again..... (sorry)
What works for me is to get out of bed completely, make a little bed on the sofa and put on a favourite dvd or video. If I am genuinely tired the distraction will send me off to sleep eventually.
I can't sleep at all during the day now, I have read every autobiography under the sun at bed name it...Jordan, Jodie Marsh, Caron Keating, Britney Spears and Nicole Richie. May I add that these were all read in a matter of 2 weeks!!

Sarah your due the same day as me-Now at the latter stage I'm finding bed time uncomfortable, and achey. Have been ok up until now. Nothing is working.

Mum said I should speak to the MW, but there is nothing she can do, I know it.

Sorry for moaning, but even as I write this the tears are rolling down my face, I feel so silly! :cry:
awww sweetie! it will all be worth it very soon
but for now even if you cant sleep you must try and rest, its really important

can you go swimming? it helps with pain and tires you so you may find it easier to chill afterwards

i'd like to go but my thighs are so painful now its even hard to walk sometimes, do any of you have really sore thighs??

K X i left you a PM (just in case you missed it lol)

take care all
I completely understand how you feel...I have been like this for a month now, and it's exhausting!!! I find that I can sleep a little bit in the morning only, but as I am back to work, that is not easy at the moment! (but I finish on Friday, so not too long now!)

I just wanted to suggest, an expensive, but maybe worthwile solution: 2 months ago, my lovely husband offered me a "full body massage" in a spa, and believe me, I slept for the whole afternoon after that! and the next couple of weeks I could sleep just fine! I really did wonders to me, so maybe, for the 3 weeks you've got left!

Whatever you do, I really hope it gets better, because I know exactly what you are going through!

big hugs,

mel xx

I went through this for months i would finally lay down at between 1-3 am and wake up at 430am with OH for his work, and would be sooo itred but can never get comfy.,
But since satuday ive been sleeping like a baby, dosing off by 6pm pn the couch but stay awake tillat least 8pm, and doenst matter what time i lay down although lately its been between 8-10pm all my friends phone me late atnight thinking im up cuz i would never sleep that early and i wake up at 430am wiht so much energy. Plus the waking up every hour or two tp pee never helps.
But anyways i guess wiht osme people you get lucky and slep through your last week, so hopefulyl soemw of you will get caught up on your sleep and if not , jsut try and at least rest as it will help some.
take care

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