sleep again!


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2008
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after nearly 7 months of jacks terrible sleep habits, me and DH have decided to stop feeding jack in the night and DH see to him instead of me! now this seems to be working, jack goes to bed at 8 then wakes up at 10 crying so one of us settles him, then he wakes up at around 12ish and he has a boobie feed! he then takes up to an hour to settle! :shock: . he will then wake again at 3 just for a whinge then settle 30mins later but i dont feed him (ill offer water) then he is up again between 5 and 6 for his morning feed!

how long do you think it will take him to get used to not being fed at 3?
im not sure why he wakes so frequently in the night, i know its not hunger, what could it be???
Sorry no advice Nic but :hug: that sounds so tiring! The little monkey!xx

Are you currently weaning him and how do his feeds milk and solids work throughout the day? What times do you feed and how much milk and solids? Also approx average day time sleep.

When he wakes at 5/6am for his feed do you put him back to bed and if so until when usually or does he just get up after that?

Becs x
thanks for the replies xxx
sorry should have said, he is weaned. he has 3 meals a day. he has 2 7oz bottles of formula (one morning and one before bed) and 3 big boobie feeds throughout the day one at 8,11,2,5 and 8. i then feed him at 12ish and then between 5 and 6. we get up at 7.30am xxx

I wonder if 5 milk feeds a day may be too much now he is on 3 meals and possibly meaning he takes less solids? What does he tend to eat foR his three meals and approx how much? Also have you introduced protein? I have found a nice big protein lunch and then a carb dinner great for encouraging good sleep. Sorry for all of the questions.

he will eat quite a lot!! im mainly giving fruit and veg at the moment!
what carbs and protein do you give your LO XX
Okay, that's likey to be the reason for disturbed nights. I really recommend you get some chicken, fish, lamb and cheese dishes going at lunchtimes and for dinner I would go for things along the lines of leek and potato soup, baked potato and beans is a good one. I'll post some recipies tonight. Try to avoid shop bought as they aren't as nutritious and contain a lot of water. If you find time a simple chicken casserole would be a good start and perhaps maccaroni cheese (blended of course). I saw an immediate difference when I introduced protein. Breakfast - porridge or weetabix mushed with milk formula or expressed breast milk is excellent. I would keep the big milk feed at 8am then give breakfast. Lunch at 11am ish milk (perhaps drop that milk feed or offer after solids) keep the 2pm milk feed, then carbs at 5pm ish and a nice big milk feed at bedtime. If you aim for something like that then he will feel hungry enough to take a good aount of solids but also his daily requirement of milk (inclusive of milk used in cooking).

Sorry to dash will post some recipies on here tonight.

Becs x x
thats strange ive just made a leek and pot soup today!!
thanks soooo much hun recipes would b great bxxxxxxxxxxxx
How's it going Nicci? Any luck with introducing protein and heavy carb dinners? How are nights going? x

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