Does it matter....


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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that Oliver is still not sleeping all night?

I have been trying for weeks to make him sleep all night with no boob, giving him water, leaving him to cry etc. He does go off after a while but wakes up after a hour or so. oes this mean he is hungry in the night still?

If he wakes and i dont feed him I cant get back to sleep, either he is crying or I am waiting for him to wake again.

If I feed him he goes stright back to sleep so i know i am lucky with him. Do you girls think i should just feed him when he wakes? My DH thinks i should feed him in the night. I ahve been dream feeding Oliver about 10.00 but he wakes up the same as he did before.

Sleepy Jadie
As long as its just the once then I would be inclined to feed him.
Is he weaned? Is he getting enough solids?

I would try it with a bottle of milk and if he settles then its hunger but if not then you know its boob he is after and thats a comfort thing which might be tricker to deal with.

I would do anything for a sleep right now :wall:
he settles with bottles too when i am away. he has three meals a day but i am trying to get him to havemore at each meal.

Kiaras been doing this i find she is rarely hungry when she wakes up, i think its just her being waken up by noise i go in and stand next to her and talk ot her till she goes back to sleep.
Hiya Jadie

Brody has only recently started sleeping through (at 9 months)
I think the reason behind it was that I started giving him a bottle in the night. I used formula, but I'm sure expressed breast would work too...I always knew he was waking out of habit, not hunger, and getting taken into our bed for a cuddle and a breastfeed would be what he woke up for.

I started not lifting him out of his cot at all, I'd get a bottle and stand next to the cot and give it to him while he was lying down. I literally did this about 4 times and he stopped waking up all together. It seemed like a pain at first, as BF is soooo easy, especially at night, but it was worth it in the long run. He sleeps through all the time now.

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