Slap me if I talk about testing again this week


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2010
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I just have to vent a bit...I wanted to post a picture of my very negative test but it doesn't work right now (will see if I can upload it later)....even so, I just want to take a new test, and I want to test tomorrow and all the time, even though I know I'm not pregnant!:wall2::wall2:

And Im walking around looking at the test, as if the second line will show up because of that:wall2::wall2:

So, I will not test again now untill I'm one week late and in my next cycle, I will not test before I'm one week late either! And you all have the permission to slap me if I want to!
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I have done exactly the same this cycle! I started testing at 6dpo (ridiculous) and have had a bfn every time! I stopped testing last Saturday and haven't tested since (partly because I'm away and can't). I sit and scrutinise it at all different angles, near the window, under a bulb, facing east and tilted 85 degrees, I even get them back out of the bin for another look! x
I now! I am thinking about throwing them all in the trash now....OUTSIDE my the streets....I wouldn't be that desperate would I? lol
I'd built up a huge pile of hpts from over several cycles and once after yet another BFN i started rummaging through them to see if any were now positive, even though they were from months ago :oooo:

I shall get the slap ready :good:
i was so bad for this.... i think OH did try to slap me once :rofl:

i used to just analize it over and over and over again.......

i used to do one everyday!

you go ahead hun and pee on all the sticks you want. :dust: :dust: :dust:

x x x x x x x x x
I have done exactly the same this cycle! I started testing at 6dpo (ridiculous) and have had a bfn every time! I stopped testing last Saturday and haven't tested since (partly because I'm away and can't). I sit and scrutinise it at all different angles, near the window, under a bulb, facing east and tilted 85 degrees, I even get them back out of the bin for another look! x

^^^ This. I am bereft now I've pee'd on my last OPK. Am gonna have to wait till at least next Mon/Tues to pee on anything else. What are the bets I fail AGAIN :shock:!

You are not alone :poas:
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And I'm like really surprised when there's no line (then again, I'm like that with scratch cards too, can't quite believe I haven't won lol) x
And I'm like really surprised when there's no line (then again, I'm like that with scratch cards too, can't quite believe I haven't won lol) x

I'm like that as well :lol
I feel better now! Thanks girls! I have pains in my lower back so I guess the witch is on her way :)
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DH always tell me that we're suppose to see the line as it apears, we're not suppose to look for it :lol:
ITs so good to know that lots of people exhibit ridiculous behaviour when TTC. I thought I was the only one who kept going back to the bathroom bin!!! It will be a BFP one day....
I am another one guilty of sticking her hand in a dirty bin, rummaging around in god knows what just to find a pee soaked stick ...... Why do we do it!!
I'm already planing how to be as eficient as possible tomorrow when I poas before work.....NO, I WILL NOT! I willl have to think of you girls and be strong! I'm just soooo emotional as well now...crying for nothing! Oh well, I'm normally like that before my periods...must be a good sign:)
My family are trying to get me to stop at windemere to feed ducks and go on some boat thing on the way home on Friday (we are at centerparcs at the mo) and I'm thinking "hmmm, can I hold a wee from Cumbria to Liverpool to poas when I get home?" x

I once found a jam jar which I peed in at my sisters house, than I drove 3 hours to get home to test...
Ah no, hang on, I just checked, we only have marmalade with shreds, I couldn't possibly x

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