Single mums of 2 close in age?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Hiya I have a worry really and just wanted some tips.
My son will be 19 months old when bump is due.
My main worry is that when the new baby cries or Joe cries they will set each other of and Ill be sat there with both of them screaming not knowing what to do.
Or Ill be giving one a bath and the other one will start to scream.
How do you cope when things like that happen as atm I don't have a partner to help me.
Thanks :)
My two are just over a year apart (1y17days!) it can be tough, but tbh it's harder now they're older! My two rarely set eachother off crying, they share a room now and sleep thru eachother if they wake in the night! I found sticking to a routine to be vital, it keeps a sense of normality for the older child! Obv it doesn't wrk all the time, but it helps a lot! I made sure katie had alone time every day as well, when I had a shower, she went in her bed, she got used to that and een when I was living back with my mum, I kept it the same! I also made sure I left her sometimes when she was crying cos she needed to learn that mummy couldn't always come running!

When baby arrives, for feeds and stuff, try doing something with the older child as well even if it's just sitting next to them on the sofa watching tv! I used to bath ella when katie was in bed and would either bath katie when she was sleeping or I'd just leave her in her bed for a bit whilst I did it! Sounds harsh but I'm a big fan of a little bit of crying won't do them any harm!

Big :hug: I know how hard the thought of it all is xxx

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