Duds said:
Just wanted to ask a couple of questions ...
Do you recommend a certain age gap, closer together or further apart?
Is it really hard to cope with more than one? (I just cant get my head around how people deal with 2 demanding babies without having a breakdown!)
Did you find pregnancy easier second time around?
Was the birth quicker/less painfull?
Sorry for all the questions, I just want to know what im letting myself into if I do decide to have more children
ive got a daughter who is nearly 6 and a son who is 4 in december, little one is due in feb, id say having 2 is probably more like 3 times the work of 1, i dread to think of what itll be like having 3, probably just take a lot more organisation!!!
there is 26mths between my 1st and 2nd, but there will be just over 4yrs between 2nd and 3rd, i do think having them close together is probably easier, and fairer on the kids too as they tend to get used to each other if born in close proximity, my only dread is having another girl for all id love one, there will be a 6yr gap between them and i dont think its really the best age gap, itd be nicer if it was only about 2-3yrs but thats just the way things happen!! im sure itll make it easier the other 2 being older as they arent babies who need constant attention now!
my 2nd birth was a lot faster after i got over the initial 1st stage as i was induced, the pushing part was only 3 pushes and he was born ( though with lots of stitches as per 1st)
i think its probably easier in some ways having been through it before, your body knows what to expect when youve done it before, and you should in theory tend not to worry about things as much as you know the ins and outs, though i also think some things might make you worry more,
i could never imagine only having 1 child though, cant wait to have number 3 !!!