Silly question...

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Abit of a silly question.....

But can babies turn back around once their head down? I know babies can go from breach to head down but I was wondering cos little man's been head down for 3 weeks and even the m/w could feel his head down in my pelvis! Do they stay head down now until their born or could he turn again? He's got hiccups ATM but it fills like thier on my side so I'm thinking he's turned!! :S
Noa was head down and then turned a few weeks ago and layed on the side.. im pretty sure hes back head down now tho..
I hope he goes back down!!
Evelina, I asked my m/w about the groin pain that we been getting, she said it's where the babys sat on a nerve!! Since I've asked her, I haven't had the pain! Lol
As far as I know babies can keep turning until established labour (I've heard stories about breech babies turning when mum was in early labour and posterior babies turning anterior) x I think that generally once baby is head down at full term they stay that way but could be very very wrong!
Ours was head down at 30 weeks, then breech at 32 so they can turn. It's unlikely for a baby to turn back round after 36 weeks, hence why they carry out ECV's at 36 weeks onwards to reduce risk of babies turning back round. Ours is now head down though after a successful ECV so don't worry about it x
I think my midwife said they normally stay put once you hit 32 weeks as they get less room in there. There's still a chance for them to turn though but less liklier.
I think he's turned as I'm getting slot of kicks in the side! It's better than being breach though cos kicks in the bladder is painfull!! Hope he turns again soon!
im getting little punches down below but big mans kicks in my ribs so im hopefull! (Or he got very strong arms like his daddy and its accually him punching my ribs.. better not be)

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