Sicky Pooey babies


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Isaac was mix fed and so with Ophelia I was looking forward to the 1 poo a week and not much sick as she's only BF, how wrong was I :shock: Ophelia poo's at least 6times a day and she is sick after every feed, and then some, how common is this? Isaac was never sick, we never even had bibs for him :lol: How do you feed your baby and are they sicky and pooey?
Jess has always been sicky, she was breast fed to begin with and was sick after every feed, same when we went through to formula, the only thing that controls it is infacol, has been a godsend! We've just starting weaning her on the advice of h and then dr and she doesn't seem to be sick after a meal, just milk. She's always has 3 poos a day and at pretty much the same time each day too!
Oh yeah Calleigh in the early days used to poo at least 6 times. It has slowed down and now its usually once a day maybe twice. She is breastfed.
As for the sickyness she has never been a sicky baby so i have been lucky in that respect :)
Every baby is different hun, but Im sure you already know that!! My son was breastfed for about 3 months and used to poo after every feed for the first month and then it settled down to about 4 times a day. Once we started mix feeding he went down to 2 poos a day and he has done this ever since, even now he is 3. He has never been a sicky baby though, only the odd day here and there. My daughter now is exclusively breastfed and she is completely different, she has only ever pooed once a day like clockwork from about 2 weeks old, I could even tell you the time of day, she is so regular! She also isnt sicky though, hasnt been sick once yet and she is almost 10 weeks old now. Its amazing how different 2 babies can be when they were made almost the same!! :hug:
Ivy has a poo once a day in the evening! Lol! Shes not very sicky either if shes sick its just a dribble of milk straight after a feed when I'm burping her. Shes a boobie milk baby.
Nathaniel is such a sicky baby and seems to have a pooey nappy every half hour! He is being breast fed and when I spoke to my midwife, she said it was normal for BF babies to poo all the time. Just concerned at the moment that he could have reflux due to always being sick so I am keeping an eye on that.
Rudy is mix fed and I find he is more sicky after boob milk for some reason :think:

His poos slowed right down whilst he was still being exclusivley breastfed, I think it was around the 2 month mark but I couldnt say for sure.
EXACTLY the same for me

DS was fully breast fed and then mix fed and was never sick, poops I cant remember but definatley not all the time, Esme constantly has a dirty nappy no matter how much I change her and just taking the nappy off means a wet fart usually over something white :wall: and she also pukes for England, I went out today with puke in my hair and really didnt care when I found it, its become that intrinsic in my life :lol:

My MW was not too bothered about her though saying each LO is different.

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