Sickness, when does it stop?

Nurse 26

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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hey girls, being a moody cow this morning, when does the sickness stop? i wake up every morning without fail feeling like vomiting, it lasts till lunch time usually then returns in the evening.

When does this ease off?

Hi Hun mine has reduced allot :dance: I was throwing up three times a day and nausea the rest of the time. From about two days ago it's now only once and no nausea :dance: (never thought I'd dance about throwing up once a day) xxx
Mine has been different every time.
1st 10-12 wks
2nd 16-17 wks
3rd didn't get one day of sickness
4th like you it wakes me up of a morning and just comes back throughout the day but I don't really be sick just feel it xxx
Aw hun I feel for u, I have been so lucky so far and been ok more a less.....can you stomach ginger biscuits or digestives, apparently they really do help, read somewhere that if the sickness is really bad the doc can give u something to ease it....xx
I'm the same every morning til around lunch time and this has been since I was around 7 or 8 weeks I'm 14 now and its still the same xx
I feel sick right now!! Mine was just in the evenings, but now it is all day. I just eat a lot of "dry food" crackers is a good one.
Ginger ale helped me through. I think it helps that it was fizzy and the burps made me feel a bit better.
I am sick most mornings then feel rough n bloated and or sick in evenings too I have found small regular snacks help and also gingernuts stop me physically being sick also travel sickness bands you wear on wrists but I hear it should ease up wk 10-12 however last time I was sick right up until the medical termination at 16weeks x
I am wearing the acupressure wrist bands and I do think they help. I wake up feeling sick and that normally passes by 11am but can come back in waves during the day. Nothing I do/don't eat seems to help!
still waiting for the answer to this one too, Like you i trow up every morning without fail then i feel nauseous all day long , some days its just morning some days every thing i eat comes back up

Iv tried everything wrist bands, ginger, vinegar crisps help for 20 mins, crackers, mint d lot praying it eases up soon as im 11 +4 at d mo ( didnt change my ticker after scann :-) )

hope you feeling better soon too hun xxx
Aw, you have my sympathies. :hug:

I don't really have full on sickness. Every now and then I kind of cough and wretch/gag and get a watery mouth.

I have terrible indigestion and burping/food repeating on me as well which makes me a bit queasy but I don't think I'll actually be sick.
Now I'm 11 Weeks and my sickness has eased off. I still eat a lot of crackers and if I Get hungry than the nausea follows.

I have salty crackers on my nightstand and eat them once I wake up.

Hope it eases off soon!

mine has eased off a touch but i still bawk first thing in the morning til i am fed and then if i get hungry...

i am so attractive right now....ha ha

i had sickness all day everyday in tri1 (up till around 14weeks)

then in tri2 it's not so bad although i have the odd vomit first thing in the morning but its a hell of a lot better than tri1 hun.

hope you feel better soon. xxxxxxx
I've been feeling sick since week 6 and now I'm physically sick each morning without fail!
totally feeling this way today nurse! iv been sick more times than i can count just hope that today is a one off and ill return to my "normal " 1-2times a day, dry retching and nauseous feelings instead tommorrow blergh......
I felt alot better yesterday but it didnt last! today was a bad day felt sick all day long...

the tiredness has also got worse over the weekend, early nights, long lies and afternoon naps, so sleepy

To add to that i'm not enjoying these injections, they really sting for a good while after too :(
awww god love have to go through injections on top of everything else is just pants!!!

i have been very tired this weekend too...its like my body carries on all week when i am at work and then just gives up at weekends....very sickly day yesterday. managed to eat my curry tonight though


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