Sickness has stopped


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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:wave: hello,

I posted a few days ago about my constant sickness for the past few weeks....I dont know if i should be happy or worryed but it has gone! I still feel really tired and quite weak but the last few days have only been sick about once a day?

Im not sure if this is really normal my midwife was supposed to be coming today but i had a call from the doctors saying that she had the flu and wasnt able to come round, so Im not sure if i should start being worryed about this lack off sickness after the past few weeks of constant sickness?

Any ideas? Thanks

Nicki x
Lots of women have had their symptoms stop or ease quite quickly. And some found they then came back with a vengance. Others not.

Try not to worry about it too much as there is nothing else going on with you, so chances are its just your body getting over the morning sickness.

If you have any other reason to be concerned give your MW or GP a call tomorrow.

How many weeks are you? I think it's normal for sickness to stop at a certain point
I was being really badly sick from 4-5weeks till now which is about or just over 8 weeks...but when I say sick I mean REALY sick to the point of not being able to drink water? Its strange?
I think its pretty normal for it to stop and start. Mine seems to go and then come back a few days later, although i've been lucky as i've just had nausea. Try to enjoy it while you can :D
:cry: its okay I stood up and got sick so back to normal for now
No need to worry! I had awful sickness for 5 weeks and then it stopped overnight. I still have the odd sickness, mostly first thing in the morning but I find that I am only sick the once on the days it happens. Before I was sick 4 times a day.

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