Sickness bug symptoms before labour?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2014
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Anyone had his?
I feel quite sick and had a couple of episodes of diarrhoea, I have stomach cramps but no pattern and probably related to the diarrhoea.
I suppose I'm just being cautious as it's dangerous for me to go in to labour naturally but does this just sound like a stomach bug do you think or could things be starting?
Do you feel nausious at all? are the cramps quite similar to period pains? Where abouts are you getting them? Is there any chance you could have a bug?

Million and 1 questions eh Jessie lol.
I could have a bug but I've not really been anywhere for the last few days and my OH ahas eaten same as me and is fine.
The very mild cramps fill my whole stomach but my stomach doesn't go hard to the touch. I do feel sick but not being sick. I'm not a sucky person though, when me and my husband both had food poisonin at same time he was violently throwing up and I just get diorrheoa with strong nausea. Very very rarely do I actually throw up.
My stomach isn't too bad at the min but I do feel quite poorly in a sicky way.
Do you think more likely a bug?
I would give the labour ward a ring and just explain your symptoms to them and see what they say. They wont mind and u said its dangerous for you to go into labour naturally so best to check i reckon. xx
Jessie i agree with Jenny because of your circumstances you cant be too over cautious. If it was me i would ring.

Although u cud try a bath or plenty of fluids to see if it takes away the cramps. They could be BH x
I've had a couple episodes of sickness and diarrhea during this pregnancy which is very out of the ordinary for me and I've just put it down to being pregnancy related. When I rang triage they told me that if I was unable to keep down food and liquid for over 24 hours then I should go in.

I hope you feel better soon, it is just awful being ill when pregnant!
Before I went into labour I felt pretty poorly, felt sick and had diarhea so could very possibly be early labour starting x
Thank you everyone I really appreciate the responses. I've spent all night resting on sofa and drank loads of water to hydrate. Tbh I'm pointing more towards a bug than labour and my stomach seems to have settled right down after going to the toilet again so didn't ring labour ward by I'm monitoring everything and will if anything changes. I get admitted to hospital Monday for final few weeks of pregnancy so I really don't want to go in now on a false alarm and end up bein admitted earlier than planned just because I'm there anyway but obviously if I really feel I'm heading toward labour then il call them :)
You know your body Hun, I wasn't sure if I had a bug or not but then at 2am my waters went lol so then I knew for sure! I always said its s Shame your toes don't go blue when your in labour ! No mistaking it then lol how come you've got to go in for the last few weeks? X
Awk Jessie im glad ur feeling a bit better. At this stage in pregnancy u cant be too careful can you x
Well nothing happened in the night so I suppose it must be a bug. Still feel a bit sick and fragile today but nothing else going on.
Roxy i have I spend last few weeks in as they don't want to deliver baby until closer I term but as baby is transverse I'm very high risk of baby's cord peolapsing an cutting off oxygen supply if my waters go as there's no head in he pelvis to stop it. So I literally just have to wait in hospital until nearer my due date jut in case my waters go sob that they could wiz me roun to theatre if necessary.

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