Had enough :( tmi


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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On thursday i woke with stomach ache, and feeling rubbish. I had diarrhoea almost all day, then abit of fri, i was ok on saturday (apart from stomach cramps) then yesterday and today its back full force!

It awful though cos when im on the toilet my body is really forcing it out and its soooo painful.

I havent eaten anything out of the ordinary, so i can only assume it is a stomach bug.

Is it normal to have it this long? I normally only have stomach bugs 24-48 hours, but this is taking the pee!!
I feel so drained and i've got my 3 kids to look after!

Any tips on how to get rid? Thanks :) x
not sure hun. maybe speak to the doctor though with you being so heavily preggers. xxxxxx
My guess is you are actually constipated hunny. I get this when I am, it's like my body is in over drive to get rid of it and I get bad spasms in my bump when I do go. If you feel ok apart from this, no temp or anything then a stomach bug is unlikely I would say. Drink loads of water and try to rest when you can, sod the housework. Might be worth ringing the mw for some advice xxxxxxxx
Yeah i've heard something about that where you are constipated and the diarrea sort of goes through it to get rid.
No chance in ringing my midwife, shes only in on a friday and cant get hold of her any other time. I'm gunna see how i am tomorrow and maybe get an appt at the docs if im still bad.
I havent got a temp or anything, although i do feel sick right before i need to go.
The kids are off to school so i'm gunna go back to bed for abit :) x
i had this! lasted about 5 days, then when it stopped i went back to being constipated again. i did phone the doctor and he said just rest and lots of water, they wouldnt prescribe anything unless the diarrhea went over 7 days, but any less than 7 days is considered not a problem

Well im feeling alot better this afternoon so fingers crossed its stopped!
Thanks for your replies xx

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