sick on the train, really not my finest moment!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
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Morning lovelies, hope you and your ickle bumps are all well!

I just wanted to feel sorry for myself and I know you ladies will listen! I have to go to court this morning for work and its 80 miles away from home. I am currently stuck on a packed train and still got another hour to go and I am feeling horrendous. I have just had to get up off my seat and literally RUN down the entire carriage in my posh suit and heels retching and nearly throwing up, but thank god i got to the train toilet in time to actually be sick! Train toilets are disgusting at the best of times, eurgh. I am sat right opposite the toilet now, totally cringing convinced that the entire carriage heard me throw up too!

Still got the whole day to get through yet - if I am sick in the middle of a courtroom I will actually die of embarrassment!

I can't really complain as I only have to travel for work about once a month so hopefully I should be in Tri 2 next time I have to do this. My usual 'commute' is just a nice 10 minute walk! I have so much respect for ladies who do a proper commute like this every day when pregnant, you all deserve a medal!

Bleurgh xxx
Aw u poor thing! Try think of something else, easier said than done!!! Hope you get there with no more sickness :) xx
Aw thanks hun x PF is taking my mind off it a bit, and I feel better now I have actually been sick. Just feel a bit shaky now and going to have to force some food down me when I get off the train, even though I really don't want anything.

Its my own fault. I wished for MS when I had no symptoms a few weeks ago so careful what you wish for ladies :) it is really reassuring to be reminded that your preg, I just didn't mean on the train lol xxx
Oh no, poor you!! That is my fear at the moment, being sick in public! I am trying everything to stop it when on the school run with my stepson or on a dog walk! I hope your MS passes soon hun xx
Oh poor you that's horrible. Hope it passes quickly.

How many weeks are you? I'm 7 tomorrow and no symptoms but like u wishing for ms! Maybe I should be grateful I don't have it.

Aw thanks girls! I'm at the court now and got a while before we go in, so I'm sat on a nice comfy sofa with a sugary drink and a blueberry muffin and feeling a lot better :) mine has been very literally 'morning' sickness so far, just in the first hour or so after waking up, so fingers crossed that's the end of it today!

Dinky - it was my biggest fear too! But now its happened I'm not so scared of it happening again, if that makes sense. If you gotta go you gotta go I suppose! I'm defo going to start carrying sick bags around with me in case of emergency though, how classy!

Looby - I am 8 weeks tomorrow hun so just a week ahead of you! I was sick twice at 6 weeks, and then had 10 days or so of feeling absolutely fine, andthen sick yesterday and today. So there's still plenty of time for you yet hun! Lol. I know what you mean about wishing for symptoms, I had nothing except tiredness for the first few weeks, not even sore boobs - so even though sickness is horrible, its nice too!
That must have been awful for you, you sound like you coped with it really well though! Fingers crossed the MS leaves you alone on any commutes from now on :)
Aw dear u poor thing! That's not good. Glad to hear ur starting to feel a bit better though.

Somehow, don't ask me how, I've managed to avoid being sick in public. Its probably largely due to holding myself up at home for 3 weeks during the worst stage of my sickness! Lol.

I hope it doesn't get any worse for u hun xx

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Thankyou lovely ladies! I feel so much better now, and actually sat eating my lunch at 11.30 am because I'm starving! Lol :) bit of a change from earlier on. This morning was awful but I feel really lucky its only been in the mornings so far, so at least I know (hope) that the worst is over for today :) Plus court is finished too, our client was in and out really quickly so I am waiting for my train and should be back home by 1.30 yay :D I should go back to the office really, but going to take a sneaky half-day and go back to bed instead!

Jayjay bless you, I remember you saying you were virtually housebound at one point! Must have been horrible. I'm so glad yours has eased a bit now you're in Tri 2 :) there is light at the end of the tunnel! x
Lol yeah there definitely is!
I still get the odd sick day but its only 2 days a week normally, unfortunately today is one of those days but I'm startin to feel better now.

Ur just right taking a sneaky half day lol xx

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I have a bad train story, too. I take the train 3 days a week to work and I have to stand up as when I get on all the seats are always taken. It's only 15 minutes so normally I have no problems. On Monday, though, I was standing there and started to feel really hot, then sick and thought I was going to faint! I crouched down where I was (luckily it wasn't packed out and I was in the carriage where the wheelchair and bicycle access is so no seats) and luckily I started to feel better. The thing is, no one asked if I was ok or even really looked at me. I was a bit nervous about going on the train again, but luckily I've been ok since!
i did this too in tri 1 but in a carrier bag during my way home in rush hour x
Should have seen me this morning! There was someones puke on the road while on my way to work. The sight of it made me gag like crazy (attractive) and a man saw me... Criiinge! I bet he thought I was hungover!
So you're not alone there :)
I just breathed in and out slowly and took the mindset that I WASN'T going to throw up. It seemed to work :) Thank god.

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