Diarrhea And feeling really sick :'(


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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For last few days i've been feeling sorry for myself. i wouldnt say i'm ill, just feel really sick, only been sick once tho?

And have diarrhea.. Anyone else had/got this..

I've got to go to work. And running to toilet every 5mins isnt good in my job..

Plus sorry if TMI but the sounds my bowels are making arnt nice! :'(

Feeling really poorwly :'(

Anyone think of anythin i can do to help? xx
TBH there's not really much you can do about it except make sure you are eating plenty of fibre rich foods.

I suffer from IBS and had a terrible bout at 9 weeks and was in total agony with the stomach cramps and it worried me something terrible because I thought the cramps could have harmed the baby. It was such a relief when I saw it wriggling around at my 12 week scan.

If you know that something sets your tummy off you're best avoiding it altogether for the time being. If you've already got a bad tum then plenty of water and plain fibre rich foods (cereal, toast etc) will usually clear it up in a couple of days. If it gets worse or lasts for a long time I'd contact your GP or MW if you have one and see what they advise.

Hope you're feeling better soon

thanks for your reply chick,

I had some toast, and ended up throwing that up :'(

But just managed to eat some more, and drink some water, and actually feel alot better for it..

Check bubs on Dopler, he/she seems oblivious to it all. which is good :D

Got work in few hours, so just going to rest, and hopefully stop needed loo Sorry for TMI..

xx i'll be joining you in 2nd tri tomorrow Chrissy :) x
not at all... it was one of the things I was really worried about when I found out I was pg because I get a bad tum at least every two weeks or so.

I asked my MW what the chances were of it harming the baby and she said that although there is a small chance that the cramps could cause uterine contractions all the action when you have a bad tummy is in your intestines and bowels so bubs will be totally oblivious to anything most of the time and the chances of it having any affect on the bubs is really small.

You're very lucky that you can hear on your doppler because at least you have an idea that everything is ok. I didn't find my bubs until last week so I had to wait from 9 weeks when I had a bad tum unitl my scan at 13 weeks to know everything was ok....... it was the worst few weeks ever. Especially becasue my sypmtoms seemed to ease up a bit after 9 weeks too!!!!
i couldnt imagine having to wait that length of time atall..

i'm soo impatient.. glad all it well tho chick..

so nervous of moving into 2nd tri.. dunno why lol xx
Hiya hun,

I suffer from crohns disease so my bowels are a mess anyway. I did find that they were worse to start with but have settled abit. ts difficult to say whether it was the pregnancy or the crohns.

If you are suffering from diarreah you actually want to avoid high fibre foods such as bran, brown bread etc.. as it actually produces more water into the colon making things move through quicker. Try and stick to plain white bread and white rice, chicken, root veg. If things go the other way then introduce more fibre to your diet. You may need to just give the bowel a rest a bit by having a low residue diet.

Hope you feel better soon,

Claire x
Hi Charlotte,

I had a bad bout of diarrhoea when I was about 6 weeks. It was awful... I can totally sympathise with you. Just try to drink plenty of water, and I found eating stewed apply helped immensely. Seemingly the pectin that is released binds you up in there... :D

Have some of these... :hug: :hug:

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