Should we just call it a day??


Apr 14, 2012
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There's no short way to tell this do apologies in advance for the length!

Ive been married for 4 years, we've been together for 7 years.
When we first got together we were both party animals. Both very social. This continued after we got married. I obviously stopped partying when I fell pregnant with my daughter and as I breastfed for 13 months I didn't go out after having her. I fell pregnant 2 months after I stopped breast feeding so in two years Ive probably been out twice!!

Before I got pregnant I was in contact via email with an ex... Not even an ex but a friend I used to sleep with. Oh found the emails just after I got pregnant, I had stopped dmailing by then but obviously oh wasn't happy. He told me we were over a few times but changed his mind.

Before and after finding my emails oh has always been quite reckless when drunk. I should mention that he's bi-sexual. On one night out he actually walked away from me with his arm round a guy and didn't come home until 10 am. After he found the emails he went out drinking and dies appeared until midday the next day. I was pregnant and terrified. He told me he'd gone back to a random blokes but that nothing had happened.

At the time I believed I deserved to be punished so I let him get away with all sorts. I have no proof he actually cheated but alot of suspicion!

Once I had my daughter he didn't go out do often. But when he did I would find suspicious messages on his phone from some guy. Again though no actual proof. I found a app on his phone for meeting men in your local area. He set up a new email for going on gay sites, he accidentally left it logged in.
Basically alot of dodgy behaviour and suspicion but no actual proof.

We did decide to end it last november, then in jan I discovered I was pregnant again and he begged me to come back. I never wanted my daughter to be raised only seeing her dad on weekends, so the idea of two children only seeing their dad on weekends was worse, so I'm back.

I don't trust him. I told him I don't want him going out, he thinks this is unreasonable. He still acts like I'm the wrong doer... I just sent emails that were to a friend, the worst thing in the emails was me slagging my husband off after rows Awful I know but not cheating. My husband actually told me that 'I started it'!!

I get that I hurt him but he can't punish me for ever, it's now two years on, I really don't know what to do. If there were no children involved I'd have left a long time ago, but I grew up without a father and really don't want that for my children.

Am I just being weak.... Should I call it a day? He won't do marriage counselling and I don't really have any other ideas.
The key thing in ur post was 'if it wasn't for the children, I'd have left him'

You are obviously very unhappy in this marriage, and any relationship with no trust is recipe for disaster.

At the end of the day, ur children will pick up on how unhappy u are, and if ur fighting with ur husband quite often, its not doing them any favours.
They'd be better off with 2 happy parents who are separated than 2 miserable parents who are together.

That being said, if u feel it can be worked on, then by all means, try to work it out. But please don't feel that u need to stick around if ur really not happy.

I hope u can get this resolved soon. For ur own sake, and for ur children xx

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The key thing in ur post was 'if it wasn't for the children, I'd have left him'

You are obviously very unhappy in this marriage, and any relationship with no trust is recipe for disaster.

At the end of the day, ur children will pick up on how unhappy u are, and if ur fighting with ur husband quite often, its not doing them any favours.
They'd be better off with 2 happy parents who are separated than 2 miserable parents who are together.

That being said, if u feel it can be worked on, then by all means, try to work it out. But please don't feel that u need to stick around if ur really not happy.

I hope u can get this resolved soon. For ur own sake, and for ur children xx

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Staying with someone for the children is never going to work in the long run, unless you really really work at it and really actually want to be in the relationship. If you are doing it just so the children aren't from a broken home, you will be miserable, the children will pick up on this. If you and your OH end up living separate lives, that would have an impact on the children. They would think that is normal for a relationship!

You really have to do what feels right in your heart xxxx
At the end of the day, ur children will pick up on how unhappy u are, and if ur fighting with ur husband quite often, its not doing them any favours.
They'd be better off with 2 happy parents who are separated than 2 miserable parents who are together.

We dont fight... I don't think we've ever shouted at each other the whole time. We also don't discuss stuff unless lo is in bed as we don't like her to see us cry! How ever she must pick up on the atmosphere sometimes.
I know I can't stay just for the children. I think the main thing I need to do is separate 'what I want' from 'what is'.

I do want us to work out, I love him and at the base of everything we're good together.
But I'm losing faith in us, a year ago I was convinced things would get better, now I'm having a hard time believing that this time next year we'll be together.

I hate that through both of my pregnancies I've been worried and upset most of the time!!
im currently having the same dilemma as you,different cirumstances but probably same end result,im not sure what to do either,though in the back of my mind i can see where its all heading,and ontop of that being pregnant doesnt help :(
whenever you think to try and talk to your man all i get is,it must be my hormones why im upset??
its not,but thats the blame i get,i will probably try to talk to him again but i carnt see it ending well
im currently having the same dilemma as you,different cirumstances but probably same end result,im not sure what to do either,though in the back of my mind i can see where its all heading,and ontop of that being pregnant doesnt help :(
whenever you think to try and talk to your man all i get is,it must be my hormones why im upset??
its not,but thats the blame i get,i will probably try to talk to him again but i carnt see it ending well

I know what you mean about the hormones... I've always been good at not letting my hormones rule my head.., oh has commented in the past how I don't seem to get pmt, I'm the same person whether I'm hormonal or not yet if I get upset then he says it's hormones!!
Hi hun, I was in this same position as you not long ago I went out a year ago with a friend and got drunk and he took advantage of me, it was only a kiss but I wouldn't let it go any farther my husband found out and walked out on me (I wasn't pregnant at this time) but we got back together a few weeks later and we're now stronger than ever when we argue sometimes he brings it up but not as much as what he used to, if u stay with ur husband ur going to stress urself out and that's not a good idea when ur pregnant if you honestly think it can work then set ground rules and if he can't stick to them then say goodbye ur better off bringing up a happy family than a miserable one, I want you to know that even though me and my husband are now finally happy it took a tremendous amount of hard work and communication to get us where we are today I hope things work out for you sweetie xxx

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