Should I push for/demand the birth I want?

Hey hon - I'm pushing for a VBAC with minimal interference at the moment so totally understand where you are coming from. I agree with what ur saying about how other people seem to think ur taking risks - my OH listened to the consultant who said that I need to go in as soon as start getting contractions for constant monitoring and because he doesn't think that anyone can know better than the consultant that's it as far as he's concerned...methinks I'll be waiting a while before telling him labour has started :)
stick to your guns hon - I'm going to argue against the constant monitoring too as I want to be able to move and hated being on my back in labour last time so good luck and I'm with you 100% xxxx
dont you have to sign a consent for to have a c section? What would happen if you didnt sign it?! can they refuse to care for you at all? surely not... :confused:
I have total faith in my body, I got to 8cms last time - I know my body can do it and I am confident that I will have a natural delivery. I have been doing the VBAC Natal Hypnotherapy which is brilliant for dispelling fears about VBAC and I do feel good about it. I basically want to do it my way, I am going to ask for intermittent monitoring and if I feel like it to labour in the water. I am nervous about going into labour on MY date the 12th as it will be a week over by their dates, I told the consultant that there is NO way that I can be due then, we didnt BD early enough for it to be that date - we only did it twice so theoretically my due date could be later but no way earlier. I already told the consult that I would not agree to going into hospital because I am so sure of my dates.

I have thought about keeping my labour as quiet as possible with the intention of giving birth at home..however, I know that I need the antibiotics IV :(

If only there was a sure way to know how to prevent a baby from passing mec in the womb - that was the reason they induced me last time and knowing what induced contractions feel like makes me even more confident that I can deal with labour when I havent been induced - they were horrendous with no pain relief after the epidural failed, so bring it on!
they thing with meconium is while its not desirable, its not always terrible news.

when I was examined about 30mins before Sid was born the MW established that my hind waters were intact. They talked about breaking them to speed things up but agreed not to as if there was mec in them they would have to transfer me. So they took a 'what we dont know cant affect things' approach. They broke about 10 mins before he was born (the pressure of Sid coming down from me sitting on the birth stool popped them :)) and were clear BUT she said if they werent because they had started off clear they wouldnt have transfered as it's not unusual for them to poop in the late stages......
I have heard since that its not all bad, I think that I just had such a bad experience with Rosie full stop. Thats the main reason why I want this one to be just perfect or thereabouts! Maybe its time to start praying?!
Maybe it's time to get back to believing in yourself chica ;)
:hug: bloomin antibiotics :wall:

I'd be inclinded to labour really quietly in the bath at home without telling anyone lol. Can you imagine the shock on OH's face, Im just off to have a nap, dont disturb im going to have a bath, now another nap....AND heres your second born child :)
:hug: bloomin antibiotics :wall:

I'd be inclinded to labour really quietly in the bath at home without telling anyone lol. Can you imagine the shock on OH's face, Im just off to have a nap, dont disturb im going to have a bath, now another nap....AND heres your second born child :)

Before I found out about the GBS and the antibiotics I was going to labour for as long as possible at home in the hope that I had bubs in my bathtub! I will not let them medicalise me though and I will be listening to my body :)
You push for the labour you want, lke you said , it's your last one and it should be how you want it.

Def VBAC and exactly the way you want it eg in the pool. I can't have any choice it's section all the way, but I still feel robbed of my chance to have my type of birth, 8 years on and that will never change, push for it now, what's the worst that can happen , an emergency section again, same as last time, even with intermittant monitoring they still have to keep an eye on you, so all should be fine.

Go for it RM X

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