Should I be worried?


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2008
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I AM very worried, but don't know if my hormones are making me irrational. Advice please.

Ds goes to nursery at the local school, but was off sick on thursday and Friday with an "unknown illness" (suspected tonsilitis but the gp couldn't get him to open his mouth wide enough to get a proper look). He's almost finished his penicillin and is much better but still has a nasty cough which he's had for ages. Anyway, it was back to school for him today, much to my relief. On picking him up at lunch time I learned that there had been a case of german measles in his class while he was off sick. Now I'm really worried that I may have come into contact with it. ds had his mmr and pre-school booster so he can't get it can he? Or can he me a host for it even if he's immune to it? I haven't had any vaccines in YEARS, so I know I'm probably not immune to it. I've called my doctor's surgery but they have no appointments this week so I've got to call back at 1.30 to try for an emergency appointment. Can they test to see if me and baby have been affected by it? I'm so worried I feel like crying. :cry:
Poor thing - sorry you are feeling so worried!

How about calling NHS Direct? They will get someone to call you straight back who can answer any questions you have and hopefully help you with your worries. I have used them for a few things for me and my wife and they are great - 0845 46 47 is the number - really hope all is ok. Sure it will be.
Thanks Jimmer. I'm waiting for my surgery to call me back now, if they can't fit me in for an appointment today then I'll call nhs direct.

Congrats on your bfp btw :D
Thank you!! :D
Such a weird feeling being excited and terrified all in one.

Really hope everything is ok with you after you speak to someone.
Hey hun you should have had a booster at school when you was about 13 or 14 for Rubella specifically. I dunno if you can remember but ALL girls get the rubella booster at this age so you should be fine but hope you get some peace of mind from the surgery :hug: loads of love xxxxxxxxx
Hi hun,

I know I should of had that jab, but I'm pretty sure I never had it because I moved house and school around that age and the move confused everything.

Thanks, I'm still waiting for a call back. I'll let you know how I get on x
I've just (finally) got my return call from the surgery and I've got an appointment at 10.50 tomorrow with the nurse so she can do a blood test. Scared. :pray:
Really sorry you have this scare.

Hope everything is ok after the blood test - will be thinking of you!
Glad you got an appointment, I'm sure it'll be ok. My MIL had mumps when she was pregnant and thankfully my little SIL is 100% perfect, she must've been worried as hell too. Think positively :)
You poor love, try not to worry, the chance is low that you will come into contact with it. I THINK it has to be direct contact (and even then you don't always catch it) - Don't quote me though!

I don't know if this has anything to do with it, and I hope it doesn't give you any more worry... I had my MW appt on 20th Jan, had bloods done soon after and when I went to the docs about something completely non pregnancy related, he said "oh dear, I assume you were ill the day of the rubella tests?" :oops: I did a bunk that day :doh: my antibodies are low and am still waiting for my appt to discuss it further.

BUT, he said if I had the rubella test, they wouldn't have been so low so if you did have it then I'm sure you'll be fine!!

Good luck with NHS direct.. They're ace at helping out with things like this xx
How do you get German measles?
German measles has a 'droplet spread'. That is, microscopic drops from the breath of an infected person are carried through the air to a healthy person. The droplets carrying the virus reach the mouth, throat and nose, from where they spread to the rest of the body.

What are the signs of German measles?
The patient develops a rash. This typically starts around the ears from where it spreads all over the body in tiny pink spots. The rash changes almost from hour to hour, and will disappear again after about two to three days, requiring no treatment.

Before the rash appears, the patient can suffer a light cold and/or swelling in the neck and base of the skull (due to the enlargement of the lymph nodes).

The period between the time of infection and the actual outbreak of German measles (the incubation period) is usually quite long - between two and three weeks.

How is German measles treated?
German measles does not require any special treatment - except perhaps for a few days' rest in bed. However, you will have to consider the fact that the disease is infectious, and can easily spread to other members of the household.

The infection period usually lasts from a week before the rash starts to one week after it has disappeared, but is at its worst when the rash is at its peak. it is an advantage for girls to acquire immunity before puberty.

I haven't had any vaccines in YEARS
You only need to have injection when your at school and then the booster, you dont need another in life to be covered as far as i know
Thanks everyone, I think the rubella booster was the one that I missed out on. Anyway, I've been to see the nurse at the surgery today who took blood to send for testing for rubella immunity. I don't really know why, surely they should of been testing for rubella infection rather than immunity to it? If it comes back that I'm not immune to rubella, will they then test to see if I have been infected? I should of asked the nurse all this but I was concentrating on getting out of there without passing out. I hate having bloods done. And I haven't even seen the midwife yet, whose bound to want to take loads more out of me! Oh the joys of pregnancy!
Good to hear from you - and glad you have a test. How long do you have to wait for results to come back? Hopefully it will show you are immune and you wont have to worry!
thanks Jimmer, hopefully the results will be back next week after easter.
hi there,

From reading your thread I find it strange that you should have been tested whilst pregnant with your first child if I am reading your thread right :?

I know like Danni when I had my bloods taken with my first pregnancy they tested for Rubella Immunity and also been done this time routinely.

I would have thought that if you do have a child already any problems with immunilty should have been found in your first pregnancy but I am no medical expert and dont want to alarm you either.

Heres hoping your bloods are all ok hun and that your worries are eased when you get your results.

On another note if you had your bloods taken today then phone on Thursday for your results you should have them back by then, most path labs do the tests the same day hence why you had your blood taken so it could be collected today for testing today as I understand it blood can't be stored overnight :?

Take care and have a few of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks, yes I'm sure I must have had the rubella immunity test when I was pregnant with my son, but it was back in 2003 so I don't remember at all, also the nurse I spoke to on Monday said those test results would probably stay at the surgery where I had them done rather than be put in my notes and I've moved surgeries several times since. Saying that, nobody checked my notes in case the results were in there somewhere.

Thanks, I'll call my surgery tomorrow to see if the results are in yet.
Hi Jenna,

Just seeing if you had any news on your results yet? Hope you get them soon take care.

Kathy x
Hi Kathy, :wave:

Thanks for your concern, the surgery haven't got the test results back yet so I'm to call again on Tuesday afternoon. I'm feeling ok though, and am trying not to worry.

Jen x
Hello again, :wave:

Yes it has taken this long to get the results! They came in after easter, but the receptionist at my surgery told me that I'd need to see a doctor to discuss the results because she didn't understand them. But whilst discussing them with the other receptionist, I overheard her say "there has been a level detected, but we wouldn't know what that means". So obviously I started to worry whether that level meant a level of antibodies or a level of infection. Anyway, to cut a very long and boring story short, I managed to speak to a nurse from the surgery yesterday who had discussed the results with the doctor, and it appears that I HAVE RUBELLA ANTIBODIES hurray! What a load of worry and fuss over nothing. I'm glad that little episode is all over and done with. Now back to enjoying my pregnancy... :cheer:
THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! So pleased - kept on checking this thread to see when you got your results.

Looks like we can both just relax and enjoy!!!

:dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer:

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