Should I be worried?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
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After reading other posts about LOs rolling over I'm starting to get worried that Brody still hasn't rolled over properly yet! :shock:

He moves around loads and when he's on his back he lifts himself up with his legs like he's doing the crab and when he's on his front he lifts his bum in the air! :roll:

He does kind of fling himself over to the side but he won't go all the way over - his arm is always in the way!

What age did everyone's LOs roll over?
Don't worry! they are all so different, he'll get there. :)
Ella did it for the first time the day before she turned 6 months - I think Alex will be about 10 years as he's a lazy chubber :lol:
Seren was a right lazy girl, can't remember when she rolled but iI think it was a while and then she just seemed to get everything else pretty much straight away. He'll do it, don't worry.

Willow rolled over for the first time at 11 months she was a lazy baby :lol: she sat up from about 6 months but i think that was more to do with her baby fat than balance :lol: COnal still hasn't rolled either be thankfull as soon as they do you wish they would lay still :wall:

Dylan has managed to roll on his side when lying on a sight slope on sofa but don't think he will for a while a he is content lying on his back ( he'll grow up like his dad LOL)
every child is different - dont worry about it!!
Aww thanks everyone I need to stop worrying! If there's nowt to worry about I still find something! :roll: :lol:

Thanks everyone :hug:
willow has started rolling over already, and when she is on her front she is bringng her legs up like she is trying to crawl, but i wouldnt worry hun like everyone is saying all babies are different.
hi :wave:
dont worry about it hunny, they are all different, he'll get there in the end. xx :hug:

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