shopping, anyone else??

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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does anyone else always set out on a shopping trip knowing exactly what they want, but then being really disappointed when you cant find it??

i ALWAYS do it! today i was gutted cos i cant find a cardigan for katie exactly what i want, i get the exact style in my head and then nowhere does them and i get all upset!! mothercare do one exactly like i want, but not big enough :(

but i'm the same every single time i go out!! please tell me its not just me!
oh chick i do this every time! and the problem is i'm such a perfectionist i want everything just so :wall2:
Me too.....I've done laps of the Trafford centre :wall:
I feel your pain.. It drives me nuts! Worst bit being I refuse to settle for anything else and usually return home empty handed:shakehead:
i'm glad i'm not the only one :lol: the amount of times i've returned from shopping empty handed is shocking!! i was saying to my sister earlier i should just make my own clothes lol
I'm like that as well but i never go home empty handed lol
Today I went to get my last xmas present ( :D ), it was a chavvy handbag for my daughter but I hunted and hunted and bagged myself a bargain. Half price so I bought 2 :lol:
Good going Mamafy :) I'm stubborn lol I go home and feel sorry for myself :rofl:
I do it too...not good I get all riled up!

My not so new saying is 'wollies would have it!' (< I dont do wollies online!)

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