Shopping alone

Oh no Jenna I absolutely love it. I can take my time, try on as many items as i want without anyone telling me to hurry up. I love it love it love it. In fact I never tell anyone when I go shopping, so they don't offer to come with me. I went shopping with a friend one day and it was such a bad experience - I didn't like the shops she wanted to go in, we had complete different tastes, it was a nightmare.
I love shopping on my own, i dont get to do it that much, but since both my daughters are in nursery now in the afternoon i get 2 hours to myself, its amazing the shopping i can get in on that time, mind you its mostly for them, but i do miss the buggie for putting the bags on :roll:
My OH is the WORST person to go shopping with because he wont go and look at the mens stuff - he follows me around everywhere! My mum also drives me mad because she has to look at absolultely everything including the material dept, wool dept (esp at the moment where she is knitting for baby!) :sleep:
I went to meadowhall on my own and went in 3 shops and they didnt have anything i wanted. I ended up buying something so i didnt look like a shop lifter :roll: If only DH wasnt such a mardy bum when we go shopping i might have had a shopping buddy :(
I love shopping on my own! at the mo I have Fridays to myself once I've dropped the boys at school,I go round all the shops I like and love to go for lunch on my own and read. Its just utter peace with no hassle!
OMG...!!! I thought I was the only one!!!! I hate eating and shopping alone... I just hate being alone really... I would not leave the house to do something rather than go out somewhere alone...

My DH thinks I'm crazy... I have no confidence and I am incredibly shy.. so thats a good explanation..
I dont mind shopping on my own, infact i kinda like it as i can wander about in my own world and get everything i need to get done sorted without having to drag someone else along! :)
Kylie1007 said:
My OH is the WORST person to go shopping with because he wont go and look at the mens stuff - he follows me around everywhere! My mum also drives me mad because she has to look at absolultely everything including the material dept :sleep:

Same here. I hate shopping on my own but going with DH is worse. He just follows my around and when I stop to look at something he will just stand there looking at his watch. Makes me feel so uncomfortable. Its alright for him, he just walks straight into a shop picks up one of the first things he sees in his size and pays for it. In and out in 2 minutes :roll:
Nic'n'Keeley said:
I hate shoppin on my own.. i don't mind it bein just me and keeley but would never do it on my own i would feel as tho everyone is staring at me :(

Although Nic, I hated going around CMK cos I'd get spotted by the little runts I taught who would shout to me at top volume across the shopping centre!!! :oops:

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