Shocking news


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
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Hi all I found out I was pregnant very early on surprise BFP after one year of trying. I was about to give up but got my BFP imagine my happiness. I felt soooo pregnant for a week all felt normal than 3 days ago I had weird cramps that stopped me from walking. I went to EPU got my hcg levels all seemed ok but she she said to repeat in 48 hours. We were about to go on an airplane for our long waited holiday and got the bad news. My levels dropped and asked not to travel as I am highly likely miscarrying. We had to get our suitcases back and rush to hospital. That morning though I felt different my sickness was not there anymore and just didn’t feel pregnant anymore. I am at the hospital kept overnight now. They will do a scan then probably do D&C as I have cramps like uterus contractions as well. No bleeding yet though. I have never ever been sooo said in my entire like. In a matter of weeks Everything has changed. I was so happy being pregnant for over a week. Started imaging the sex , I could feel smell my baby , hear the cries. Also I felt complete no more jealousy over pregnant women, no bitterness, just felt content. I felt soooo lucky and blessed. I just felt pregnant. Than in a matter of days I lost all of it:( I know it’s a very early miscarriage but this doesn’t take away any of the pain. I cried alll night and day. Just have no words to explain how this feels. I know you girls will know I am sure. It’s the saddest day of my life:(
I’m so sorry maximus, it’s such an awful experience, I can’t imagine how down you are feeling right now, I’ve had a chemical pregnancy and a blighted ovum this year which wasn’t discovered until 10+3 and I know how heartbreaking it is to feel like your happiness and dreams are just being cruelly snatched away from you, rest well and look after yourself xx
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss maximus, it doesn’t matter how early it is it’s still a loss and the loss of your dreams, I hope that the physical side is over for you shortly. Take care of yourself xx
Oh Maximus, I am so sorry. When I had my loss it was also early (roughly 5 weeks) and I was absolutely steamrolled by grief and despair. It shocked me how utterly devastating it was. Like you, I felt like I’d never been that sad in my entire life. It’s true, there are no words.

thinking of you.
I am so sorry to hear your story, it is just heartbreaking and I know that nothing anyone can say is going to change that. Just look after yourself now in the weeks to come and know that we are here for you and know that you can PM me at any time if you want to xx
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I’m so sorry for your loss xx there are no words
So sorry to hear this. Just so you know the ladies in this group are really helpful x
Thank you girls. My hormones came down so it looks like it’s goig to be a natural miscarriage rather than ectopic but I am at the hospital being monitored just incase so nil by mouth until they know for sure. I have terrible period pains on and off but no bleeding yet. Doctor said it could take up to 2 weeks to start and it could be anytime anywhere and be prepared for it. My husband still wants to try after all this completed if anything it made him more determined to have a baby. I also want to try again but need time to heal and right now I can’t think of TTC. Did you wait until you had one proper period? There is conflicting advice out there so I wanted to ask you here what did you do in terms of starting to try again?
Hey Maximus, I didn’t wait. I got pregnant again before having my first period post-MC. They tell you to wait for dating purposes and it didn’t make sense to me to wait just so it would be more convenient for my doctor, if that makes sense.
Hi kholl so you had a miscarriage and got pregnant straight away after that? That’s amazing. How many weeks are you now? I feel a lot more positive now and can’t wait for this miscarriage to be over.
Also I am usually low on iron. Did you take any iron tablets because of the bleeding?
Hi Maximus yes, I take Floradix (I'd ordered it for pregnancy but it arrived during my miscarriage, so I started taking it anyway because of the bleeding), it's a liquid iron supplement and really good. I still take it (try to take it daily, but I don't always remember).

Yeah I got pregnant right away. I couldn't find any concrete evidence that there was any risk whatsoever, besides the vague "allowing your body to heal" stuff. Which makes sense emotionally, but there was no real scientific explanation of what that meant. it was more just, like, this vague feeling that the body needed a cycle to heal. The most convincing article I read mentioned that the advancement of maternal age that would happen if women were told to wait a cycle (or 3, or whatever) was a higher risk than getting pregnant immediately after a m/c. So we didn't wait.

I am 7 weeks tomorrow. It's been scary, and it's still scary, but i think it would be scary no matter how long I waited to try again. I have had days (yesterday especially) where I have spiraled into such a terrible panic, it's made me realize that I still have some PTSD-type feelings around the loss. I think that would happen no matter when I got pregnant again. But for me and DH, trying again immediately was the best (and honestly, in our minds, the only) option.

Hugs, and best of luck to you. I hope your sticky baby comes very, very quickly.
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I also got pregnant straight away. Sadly it ended in a second MC but it is not uncommon as you are supposedly more fertile at this time. Good luck when you are ready to ttc again x
I’ve had four miscarriages each time I’ve got pregnant very quickly after twice before a period but they haven’t ended well so this time I’m waiting a little while to see if that helps. In that time I’m going to just look after my self get my self in the best shape and mind frame. Sorry for your loss x
Thank you girls. My hormones came down so it looks like it’s goig to be a natural miscarriage rather than ectopic but I am at the hospital being monitored just incase so nil by mouth until they know for sure. I have terrible period pains on and off but no bleeding yet. Doctor said it could take up to 2 weeks to start and it could be anytime anywhere and be prepared for it. My husband still wants to try after all this completed if anything it made him more determined to have a baby. I also want to try again but need time to heal and right now I can’t think of TTC. Did you wait until you had one proper period? There is conflicting advice out there so I wanted to ask you here what did you do in terms of starting to try again?

We NTNP until my period and as soon as I stop bleeding we’re gonna start tracking ovulation :)
Thank you. I still have no bleeding. The doctor said that my levels coming down so it’s good news in terms of natural miscarriage but I can’t understand why there is no bleeding ? When should it start?
I’m not sure why there’s no bleeding but to be honest I bled loads while I was miscarrying and once I had passed the baby the bleeding slowed right down, it was my first AF where I bled loads, have you not bled at all? X
Hi Maximus, my last one at 7 weeks took 2 weeks for the bleeding to start and nothing was happening so I went in to start medical management but before i'd had it completed it started on its own - once your hormone levels have dropped fully you'll likely get some spotting that quickly turns to bleed. It can take time though I'm afraid lovely for your body and your head to catch up with one another! I hope you're doing ok xx
Ok so basically it’s quite common not to bleed straight away? My hormones were down to 150 from 250 in 3 days so maybe it needs to come down even more to start bleeding. Doctor is not concerned and he believes it will just resolve itself naturally so medication needed
I had a missed miscarriage so I guess thinking about it I didn’t bleed right away either, baby died around 14 weeks and I started bleeding at 15+3 and passed them at 15+5 x

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