shocked, upset and confused


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Apr 8, 2013
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On Sat I went to a &e because I was in pain in my left side didn't suspect pregnancy because been ttc for 9 yrs I gave up all hope and my af's were all over so Nava took tests. As always when u go into hospital they always ask for a sample, the next min I was being called into another room and informed me I was pregnant!!!!!!!! As u can imagine the first positive test in 9 yrs I was overjoyed

The bombshell, they thought I had a eptopic due to the pain and bleeding but they cold not scan me till Sun. Went for the scan Sun am there was nothing to b seen where is sld b but there was a mass on my left overy, they was not sure if it was a cyst a d it was too early to show anything in my womb so they told Me to go back Monday pm for more bloods, the results have come back on Sat my hcg was 1493 on Mon they had come down to 600 so defo a eptopic but they said that they really don't know where it is (confused) I have to go back on weds for more bloods coz they are hoping that it is going on its own, so will not need any treatment which I suppose is a good thing?

I just can't believe that in 2days you can go from being on top of the world to rock bottom

Has anyone else had the same eptopic as me because it all seems like most ppl either have to have some sort of treatment

Shell xxx
Hi I'm sorry ur having to go through such a sad time :-( I've not had an ectopic but I've had 3 losses 2 late macs at 10 weeks and 1 at 4+5, could it not just be that ur having an early loss ? FC it does go on its own and it doesn't need any surgery and again I'm realy sorry for ur loss xxx
So sorry for you loss hun, life is really shit sometimes.
I had similar in jan, called it a pregnancy of unknown location because they couldn't find it, they thought may have been ectopic I had bloods every two days until my hcg came down to 120, I then bleed about 2 weeks later, I had some right side pain. Hope your ok? It's a difficult time because you don't know what to expect I felt like I was waiting for something to happen :-( x
Sorry for your loss honey!! Xxx
Sorry to hear this, must be devastating to hear after 9 years. Like others have said, hope it sorts itself out naturally without need to surgery.
I have not posted on a forum before but after reading your post I just had too. I had the same happen to me in feb 2013.

Ttc for a while and had no reason to suspect I was pregnant. My af was a week late but got a bfn then af started a couple of days later. Approx 2 weeks later I began with pains in left side and bleeding. Discussed this with my gp 3 times who was not at all concerned! Pain and bleeding worsened and was eventually advised to go to a+e. Like you I learnt of my pregnancy at the hospital. Booked in for scan a few dys later and told not to worry! . Day before scan I was rushed into a+e after heavy bleeding and passing out at home.. I was scanned immediately nd told they could not find my baby but had identified a mass in my left tube. After several blood tests they confirmed it was a pregnancy of unknown location, likely resolving left ectopic. I had a couple of days in hospital for observation then sent home for nature to take its course. I had blood tests weekly to monitor the hcg levels, it took 4 weeks for them to return to normal.

Like yourself I was over the moon about my pregnancy for 2 days, then my whole world collapsed at my feet with a big bang.

Things are gettng better slowly and we are on our first cycle of ttc since it happened.

Keep your chin up it will get easier.
So sorry for your loss. I haven't had a similar experience just wanted to say I'm thinking of you. Hang around, there's a grwat support network here :hug: x
Hi guys thanks for all it comments and best wishes. Feeling slightly Betts now, got more bloods and scan tomorrow so hoping that eveything is ok. I feel ok in myself just wish that I led stop bleeding.

They have said its a pregnancy of unknown. I'll post tomorrow after I've been for my scan. Thanks for all the support


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