Shingles !


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2008
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Was working with someone this morning and they turned round and said they had shingles ! I said what the hell are you doing here ! you shouldnt be anywhere near me !

So I called the midwife and I have to go in first thing to get a blood test to see if im imune, I have never had chickenpox. If im not imune they said that I will have to take something to try and prevent me catchin them.

anyone know anything about this, or had any experiance about it? and if I got chicken pox, could it harm the baby?? me??

Thanx Guys xxxx
hun im not really sure but i hope everything comes back ok for you :hug: xxxxxxxx
Im not sure either hun but id be angry with the lady that went into work knowing you were pregnant!! grrrr...

let us know how you get on!

Claire x
Don't panic!

I had shingles and I was pregnant.

Some facts for you, cos I didn't have a clue but am now an expert!

Shingles is the chicken pox virus you once had as a child which has retreated into your nervous system.
When you feel run down, the virus can come out, you don't catch it off people.
You can only catch chicken pox from shingles, you can't catch shingles.
You can only catch it if you TOUCH the rash. It's not airborn like chicken pox.
Therefore, if you have had chicken pox before, even if you touch the rash you can't catch anything.
Urchin said:
Don't panic!

I had shingles and I was pregnant.

Some facts for you, cos I didn't have a clue but am now an expert!

Shingles is the chicken pox virus you once had as a child which has retreated into your nervous system.
When you feel run down, the virus can come out, you don't catch it off people.
You can only catch chicken pox from shingles, you can't catch shingles.
You can only catch it if you TOUCH the rash. It's not airborn like chicken pox.
Therefore, if you have had chicken pox before, even if you touch the rash you can't catch anything.

The midwife said it was airborne??

I havent had chicken pox, the midwife said she was worried I might get Chicken pox?

If its not airborne that makes me feel alot better shouldnt need to worry ! will go in the morning and get the blood test anyway and a wee check up from the midwife .

Thanks for the reply

nori said:
Im not sure either hun but id be angry with the lady that went into work knowing you were pregnant!! grrrr...

let us know how you get on!

Claire x

I know ! it was a bloke and he said by the way I have shingles ! and I said what the hell are you doing here and near me !

anyway HR dept called me this afternoon ( he must have been worried and called them ! ) and they said they were really sorry that I had been put in that situation at work and they were sending him home ! and said to try not to worry and let them know how I get on at the midwifes tomorrow.
Urchin said:
your MW is wrong ;) ... ctionId=29

The blisters (vesicles) that develop as a result of shingles contain virus particles. The virus can be spread through direct contact with open blisters. A person who has shingles is contagious until the last blister has scabbed over. This will normally occur 5-7 days after your symptoms started.

Cool ! that does make me feel better !

Thanx xxx
no probs.

Even if you did get chicken pox its only really risky very early or very late in pregnancy :)
When i was abut 14/15wks preg i was visitnig family and my brother thought my niece may have chicken pox so irung the pregnancy unit to check and they said not to worry only a risk if early on in pregnancy or late on they said i didnt need tokeep away from my niece at all xx
I had a similar experience at work. One of the guys here popped into my office and said, I know your pregnant Becks, so I'm not going to come to close to you, but I have Shingles! :twisted: I was furious, luckily I have had chicken pox, but he wasn't to know that! Another girl who works in a different department, but pops into our regulary is also pregnant, what was he going to do if he bumped into her walking down the corridor. Your colleague should really have stayed off work ,as should have mine!

Urchin and Babydust, both seem to know what they are talking about so try not to worry, but it's still a good idea to get the chicken pox test done. I had it with my first pregnancy as I wasn't sure if I'd had it or not, luckily I was immune.
Good luck this morning Fi let us know how you get on xx
I can't believe he was so inconsiderate I hope your visit to the midwife puts your mind at rest hun :hug:
Hi Guys

Well went to midwife yesterday, and they had real bother getting blood, so she called and got my previous bloods checked.

I am not immune! so she has said she will post me some stuff out, and that if the guy comes back to work, I have to go home, it a just incase.

I know the chances are very low, but they have said not to take the chance of getting chicken pox .

I will speak to my HR dept on monday, as they called me the other day and said they were sending him home, so will see what they say.

Thankx guys xxxxx :hug:

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