SHINGLES (Coming into contact with)


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2006
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Feeling a little worried, I have just come into contact with someone who has shingles. I'm not sure if this is a risk to me and my baby during pregnancy. I know Shingles is part of the chicken pox family and I have had chicken pox so I am immune to this.

Does anyone know if I should be worried. One of the women I work with is pretty clued up and says it's not something to worry about.

Yikes, not sure what I should do, does anyone have any advice for me?
Just called the hospital as I am such a worrier and as I've had chicken pox already, I've no need to worry! Phew!
yeh you are only at risk if you havent had chichen pox as you can catch chicken pox from shingles. Even if you get shingles its fine for the baby i had them when pregnant once and was told there was no risk to the baby. you cant catch shingles the virus is stored in your nerve endings from when you have chicken pox and can stay dormant there for years but sometimes due to stress or low immune they can appear.
Thanks babydust, I was so worried when he told me he had shingles, my colleague said it was fine, but I couldn't help but worry a bit. Glad that I have no need to worry.
Can I just say that I have had chicken pox TWICE and also shingles!!!!
Ooh i didn't think it was possible to have chicken pox twice, poor you.
Yeh neither did I until my mam told me both me and my sis had them twice! :( I guess I just didnt build up a full immunity the first time!! :roll:
my 19yr old son has had chicken pox and now had shingles 3 times, the doctor said it was very unusual poor kid :(
hennaly said:
my 19yr old son has had chicken pox and now had shingles 3 times, the doctor said it was very unusual poor kid :(

Awww your poor son :(

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