Shes turned again! Breech at 33 weeks


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2012
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Had growth scan last week and baby was head down and starting to engage. Just had midwife appointment and she is back to breech. I'm 33 weeks and midwife said if she is still breech at 36 weeks then it is an issue. Only advice she gave me was to bounce on my ball. Any other tips? Should I be getting worried?! Eeeek!
I wouldn't worry too much they can turn right up until birth! I have heard being on all fours helps them to turn but she still has time :) xx
Hi - there's still time for them turn. Check out spinning babies website - it has loads of tips on how to encourage them to turn x
My mw hasn't even mentioned the position of my baby yet as she said it didn't matter yet. I wouldn't worry too much, just wait till 36 weeks and keep your fingers tightly crossed. She might turn a million times between now and 36 weeks.
I agree with others, don't worry yet. Loads of time to change again. A few times! Xx
Kneel on your bed and reach over the side and place your hands on the floor so your bottom is higher than your head - take several deep breaths and get down carefulyl - do this several times but all instructions are on the spinning babies website. I did this with my breech baby and by next time it had turned - I felt it turn to be fair - lots and lots of movement/scrabbling around etc and then it was the 'right' way up! Good luck x
Thanks ladies! Thought she had settled head down and as she is a couple of weeks ahead on her growth scan I was worrying she wouldn't have much room left for acrobatics! I'll wait and see what happens xxx
All fours kneeling on bed move hips left to right in a wriggle with bum in the air slowly apparently helps x

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