Breech Birth?


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2009
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Had miwife appointment today, baby still breech at 36 weeks (has been since 32 weeks) so ECV in 2 weeks and then if unsuccessful hospital recommended a c-section in 3 weeks.

Am hopeful that baby will be turned at ECV but just thinking about the worst case scenario if this doesn't happen...

My midwife today said that there is no reason why I should have to have an elective c-section and she would be perfectly happy to support me if I wanted to try for a breech birth. The hospital consultant never mentioned this as an option but I'll be seeing her again next week so will definitely ask her about it.

Now I find the thought of a breech birth a little bit scarier than a normal birth but it is something that I would consider especially seeing how positive my midwife was about it all.

Just wondering, has anyone been through a breech birth? Did it go smoothly or did you just end up having to have a c-section anyway?
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It was never offered to me as an option - they said if it was my 2nd then they'd have no problem letting me birth a breech baby however as it's my first it'd be a section at 39 weeks.

If your MW is positive about it I say definately look into it. Hope your ECV goes ok :-) Try and relax though, I kept holding my breath (not out of pain, was just tense!) so my tummy muscles tightened, making it difficult for consultant to move baby! lol! Xx
Good luck, I have no experience of a breech birth - Im hoping for an ECV too as my baby is transverse.
I have no experience in breech birth but just wanted to add that my nan gave birth to my dad and he was breech, weighed over 10lbs, although this was 52 years ago but from the stories ive heard, she had no problems :)
My LO was breech late on and I would have opted for a breech vaginal delivery over a c section every day. If you have asupportive MW you are well away! Breech is just another 'normal' presentation it's just because we have a culture of the medical profession seeing it as a 'problem' we see less and less. Do your research hun. There are lots of pro breech groups on FB with wonderful links and information :)
my mums friends brother didnt make it thru breech birth, altho this was 30 years ago and things are a lot different now... good luck with whatever you decide hun xxx
Hi, I'm in the same position as you, well, breech since 28 weeks, just over 35 now. ECV in 2 weeks if no change.
My consultant said they would do a c section at 39 wks if baby didn't change, but midwife said I could deliver vaginally... however, it depends on whoever happens to be oncall when I go into labour. Apparantly it's quite rare to give birth to a breech baby normally, so hardly any doctors are willing to do it because of inexperience. I really don't want a csection, so praying baby can be turned or that I get a good doctor on the day!
Glad your midwifes being supportive about having a breech birth if baby doesnt turn. My midwife wont allow me to have a breech birth even though this is my second because i have big babies they wouldnt risk it. Everyone seems to be having ECV`s or have them booked and i havent even really been spoken to about it all my midwife just told me he could still turn and that if not theres a man at the hospital that turns them.

I hope baby turns before your ECV if not i hope it goes well :) x
Good luck, Im sue your midwife wouldnt recomend it of it wasnt completely do'able x
Sounds like youve got a fab midwife. I think a lot of doctors havent seen any breech births so they prefer to do a c section because they can be in control of the situation. If youre happy to have a natural birth and your midwife is supportive, go for it. Would love to hear a breech natural birth story xxx
I'd got for it too, sounds like you have a great midwife - it's weird I had the exact same conversation with one of the midwives here yesterday, she said that most breech births go without any problems and it's just the doctors that don't like them and would rather do a section.
Thanks for all your replies, really nice to get some encouraging feedback.

I'm going to have a chat with the doctor on Monday to see if it is possible to go down the natural birth route if baby not turned. Guess I will need to find out whether there are doctors at my hospital that can deal with it and whether the doctors really think a c-section is the much better option.

I was having a water birth in the home-from-home unit but guess I'll have to accept this isn't going to happen. Apparently the "all-fours" position is best for birthing breech babies, lovely!

Fingers crossed my ECV goes well and I won't even have to cross this bridge.

Thanks again for your replies!
I was told all 4s position is best for any birth :) widens your pelvis naturally in this position

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