
I'm with Dionne, get the nair or veet out a painless and smooth method shaving your whoohas! Haven't done it in awhile and as I keep going on about wanting to go swimming I thought I better check the state of affairs down there and was rather shicked so I think I'm due a tidy up. Normally I'd try and do some shaping but as I can't see sqat I think it will probably all have to come off!
By the way Fran I think your nuts shaving in between contractions!!! :doh: Actually surpirsed you eventhought about your whooha at all...some folk 'eh! :wink:
Oh my goodness that link make me literally cry with laughter!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:
I'm glad someone else brought this subject up, I never would have dared to ask!!! Its getting to the point where I can't see what it looks like in the hairy area - out of sight out of mind!
I asked my midwife yesterday how much hair I should remove before my section and she went into how I should do it quite far down and she likes hers all off for hygeine reasons and neatness! I was quite embarresed talking about her pubes for no reason :oops:
hethe hehe that's funnny Skatty! Well I'm baby smooth all gone!! At least for time being, had to stand on the toilet seat to see the end result as we haven't got a full lenght mirror as yet and couldn't find a smalll hand held morrir! Definately recommend Nair/Veet it's a painless and trouble free solution - and no I don't work for the company either or get commission for promoting them! :roll:
Hi daggers! When you use the veet does the hair grow back the nect day like when shaving or does it last a bit longer?
no it doesn't grow back quite as quick as the next day, but it's not as long lasting as the epilady. I would normally use the epilady when doing my bikini area but no chance if I can't see what the hey I'm doing :shock: ! And shaving gives me a rash so the next best thing is Veet and it's no hassle! Hoping it will at least keep me looking smooth till the end of next week in case I can pursade baby to come out a bit earlier! :wink:
thats the reason i did mine in between contractions.. coz he was 9 days late if i did it just before my due date it woulda been a bush again by the time he came! i know it seems a bit mental..but i think it was a distraction thing, i just thought well i dont want to be worried about it when i'm giving birth! not for the midwifes sake (they see all sorts) but also coz OH..bad enough him seeing all and sundry when pushing baby out..dont want him looking at a big 70's porn muff! eh!
ah yes I see where your coming from Fran, I'll have to keep some Veet at hand for when the contractions kick in - should it be later rather than sooner!!
budge said:
stokemum how did the shave go?

LOL I havnt yet, i bought the nair moisturising cream yesterday from wilko's i'm not sure weather its the right one tho it says it removes leg hair, underarm and body hair but not for use on the other area lol....does everyones else cream instructions say this? i dont wanna burn something!
Stokemom, it would normally say if it does bikini lines as well as not all of them do... I would check this as I wouldn't want anything to wrong dwon there for obvious reasons! :lol:
WOW :shock: I would seriously not reccomend that stuff!!!

I bought the nair moisturising hair remover and now i have a bright red sore muff! :shock: It's even made my bikini line go bright red and sore and your SUPPOSED to use it there and i only left it on for like 5 minutes or so!!! It removes hair, but it left me with bristles, so it's like it just snapped the end of the hair off :roll: I think i'll stick to shaving when my hair grows back lol, how long will it take for my hair to grow back? :shock: I don't wanna go in hospital with the state my bit is in now lol! :oops:
hehehehe :rotfl: , sorry to laugh but that wasn't suppose to happen. Guess it depends on your skin sensitivity - I can't shave my front bottom as I get a really nasty rash hence why I use Veet / Nair which has never caused me any problems. I'm sorry about your mishap Stokemom, personally after doing my bits last week I'm still as smooth as a babies bum, guess it shows that not everything has the desired effects on everyone :doh:
try some aloe vera gel stoke mum should clear it up and then in a few days you might be able to tidy it up with a razor.
some ppl are sensitive (esp down there) to hair removal cream.

daggers i used to get shaving rash down there aswell, what i do now is exfoliate first and i use a venus (wow there wicked) and..and this is the key... do it in the bath like under the water..seems to stop me getting a rash, so you get that smooth effect like on ur legs :)
Does anyone use a bikini shaver? I have seen one on offer and am tempted to get it. Does it give a rash like regular shaving???
:cry: I really hate to say this but i want my hair back :rotfl:

Now they are really hard bristles which are impossable to remove with a razor, and it would be painful lol. The pain has mostly gone lol, i just wish they would grow back so i can shave properly!
THEY GREW BACK :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I was worried i'd be stuck with a big red patch on my foof, with no hair to cover it up if i were to go in labour lol!

the redness is all gone and my hair has gone soft again so i can shave normally YAY! lol...never ever using nair again! ive learnt my bloody lesson!
I think my favourite name for the 'front bum' has got to be 'foof'

What a subject!

So glad this has been mentioned, as I have been wondering what to do with my over grown jungle.

The best and no pain method I have learned is a shaver. Got a lady shaver a few years ago and my BF trims it for me :shock:

An electric shaver leaves me only as trimmed as I want to be with no rashes from depiliatories, or possible cuts from razors .. OUCH!

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