
Soozee - you're a brave woman, there's no way I would let anyone near my front bum with a razor or lady shaver. Normally I would use my epilady but as I can't see a thing down there, there's no chance I'm heading south with the epilady - still sticking to Veet for now!!!
Well i think when it gets a little closer to the time i am going to get my shaver and a mirror so i can see what im doing :shock:
Might be risky but it has to be should see the state of it :cry:
I have been shaving it all off for a few years now and since I have been pregnant I have carried on doing it but blind and so far I have only had one accident which was just a little nic. I am going to make sure that I have shaved before I go in to hospital as I do it every day or every other day anyway but nearer the end I may have to get OH to do it as I am getting quite big now. There is no way I am going in with a mini full of stubble.
WOW! how do u shave your muff everyday :shock: Dont your bristles grow back the next day? And I find them too short to shave, I tried before but ended up with a rate sore foof! *cringe*

I wouldnt mind going in with a bit of stubble lol, I think i'd have to if i shaved too early, theres no way i could shave the day after too, ouch ouch ouch! I'd just be embarrest of going in with a rain forrest!
With spending time in hospital befoe I had Luke I did'nt get a chance to do it and it was so embarasing, and made showering after difficult.
So this time I want to be prepared, but creams leave me sore, OH said he will wax me but I think ill stick to shaving with a mirror
Hi Girls

have just started re doing the whole hair removal thing on my mini and decided to go for a brazillian which I thought would absolutely kill me :shock: .

My beauty therapist was so good that it was only a little painful. I'll go again in 9 weeks time and get a full hollywood done - then I'll be hair free for about 3 weeks :dance:

I'm so pleased I got it done

LOL me 2 hev, I tried the wax strips down there before, my hair is so stubborn though, i wasn't strong enough to rip the wax strip off...I had to cut it off :oops: I'm so dumb lol. I hate shaving so much but I think it's the only way i'm gonna keep it quiet down there lol.
I usually shave but have been getting an awful rash since I became PG, really sore and looks dreadfull...

My sister knows someone who works in our local hozzie, she is a midwife and apparently if you have a hairy lady garden, they call you "Hairy Mary" behind your back :shock:

I am so going to be getting the Immac out before I leave for hozzie, sod the contractions...The first time I used it I rubbed it all over, and when I showered off, I was like a pubescent school girl, bald as you like, it was horrid :rotfl:
LOL they can call me what they want, weather i go in with a hairy mary or a shaven haven i dont care anymore lol, alls i know is that hair removal cream just aint 4 me!

Your not tellin me EVERY midwife shaves? well...shaves their pubes off anyway, and with bein pregnant they should understand it's like a mission impossable!
if the right person does it for you girls, it is not like getting your lips ripped off - honest I am the biggest wimp around. If you try to do it yourself it is going to hurt like mad so I'm not surprised you don't fancy it again Jade...incidentally my hair is dark and very stubborn and waxing is the only thing that softens the regrowth enough
supprisingly the regrowth wasnt that hard when it grew back after the cream lol thats the only good thing i can say about it though lol.

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