Bleeding after sex...


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2011
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Well as the above states really, did the deed twice yesterday. First time there was nothing but second time it was bright red blood when on wiping. Im still sort of the same this morning, im uncomfortable but not having contractions or anything. i think its down to being spun certain ways i havent for a while :bd:

Its just been a bit of a shock considering ive had 2 children before and tryed everything past my due dates to get them out and ive never experienced this before.
She is still happy moving about and things so im not concerned to ring anyone, plus ive googled it and it seems pretty common in late pregnancy.

The husbands walking round with a grin like hes accomplished something :wall2:men!

Anyone else experienced this? x x
didnt want to read and run hun but no I havent experienced this and I just wanted to go girl twice in 1 day blimey hes a lucky man ha ha x
TWICE bloody hell girl x x lol id love it but im banned from sex due to low lying placenta so we have to make do with other stuff lol

id give your MW a quick ring just to be on safe side, could it be your show?
My midwife told me to get my hubby to give me one every 4 hours this weekend :dance: Funny thing though is I am totally up for it (to get this baby out) but hubby decided this weekend he needs to catch up on his course work and comes to bed at 3-4 am and sleeps in after I'm up in morning.....bloody hell I only want his sperm on my cervix :whistle: Oh and midwife also said he needs to do lots of nipple tweaking too it releases the same hormone that they use for induction. My midwife is a hoot! She told me to get him to wear his firefighter uniform to make it more fun!! :lol:

I would not worry about bleeding a bit now your cervix will be getting soft in preparation for labour....
I've had this happen once or twice... I spoke to MW about it and she said it might be to do with the fact we dont do it very often (my libido has gone MIA, poor hubby is lucky to get it once every 3 weeks sometimes :() its not alot of blood its usually only when I wipe for the first few times after. Obv if its coming out thick and fast its a different story but you mentioned it had been a while so maybe that was the reason? Like the others said tho I'd call the MW just to be sure :P xx
i was going to post about this today too.
i can only dtd once every few days...if i feel like it which is very rare,

but if i do it more than once in lets say 48 hrs i bleed and its bright red when i wipe for a few hours or so after i wet to assesment unit with it and they said its just a sensitive cervix and the fact that its got more blood flow to it during pregnancy....

its annoying when you want it more than the once though i know but its something iv learnt to deal with, at least you havent got long left lol :)

if ur worried ring MW huny x x
Thanks ladies,
well ive been to the day unit, they think its my mucus plug coming away. So i hope its helped in a way lol. Also i was having tightnings when on the monitors, but im under strict instructions not to jump the queue because the delivery suite is very busy.
A lovely midwife told me to continue jumping on my husband if i like though, cant be bothered tonight :)

My mums excited but im not, i was having contractions with my second at 35 weeks and he came 5 days late x x x
i wanna have sex but it hurts :(

Me too, tried the other night and couldn't as it was so sore (wonder what that's all about/why???)

Sorry to hijack there lol, well hopefully your twice is getting you moving in the right direction, fx for you hun


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