Shaking... Help!

helllloooo you haha well done i have been looking out for you lol
aww your little bean was with you when you said your vows :)
i want to go back on my honeymoon :(

BIG congratulations:dance:
You're well and truly up the duff missus!!
Hope you three have a lovely honeymoon! :D
What an amazing start to your married life and your honeymoon!Massive congrats to you hun xxx
Only just caught up on this, BIG congratulations to both of you and I hope you are having an amazing honeymoon.
Managed to get Internet access!! In the Maldives right now...

Thanks all for the congratulations! I did a digi on the plane on Tuesday and it said I was 3-4 weeks last week. Though tbh I have no idea how far I am... Am thinking 4 and a bit. That being said I already hve a little bump going on... Food only makes I worse! Lol

I am already bonding with my little bean!

Some symptoms for you to spot:

for me it was:

lack of high temperature near to AF- I get night sweats
lack of back ache a week before
boobs not swollen
no wetness down below

It was the week of my wedding so I prob missed some symptoms..

Now I need to book a visit with Dr. As I am not 100% sure how far along I am, do you think thy will do an early scan? So nervous.. Want my little beanto stick and be born healthy!!

Congratulations hon! What a lovely wedding pressie! Do you think the little one was concieved on your wedding night????? xx
Ohhh hope you are enjoying the Maldives, I got married in May and we went to the Maldives its such a beautful place. They probably wont scan you unless there is something to be worried about, usually they will do a blood test and determine how far along you are from that, and then you get your first scan at 12 weeks.
Congrats on the bub and the wedding.

We got married 2 years ago and went to Meeru Island in the Maldives - it was super and I'd absolutely love to go back so am v envious of you at the moment!

H&H 9 months hon. x

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