Sexy time


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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This may be a bit too ummm fresh for some but I hope I'm not offending anyone.

Im a young lady with a ridiculously high sex drive. I got my mojo back at 14 weeks and it was so bad that my poor OH was asking me for time outs........poor baby hehe

Now, for some reason I feel like my mojo has vanished again n it's very frustrating.
As much as I'm in pain from the SPD (I'm not broken lol) I still want to jump my OH but my body just won't get into gear. :(

Has anyone else lost their mojo n is it common as they approaching tri 3???
I don't knw if I can deal with no sex for another 2/3 months :eek:

Help pls
Aww hun, heres hoping you find that mojo again soon!I think its really common to go through periods like this, what with all the different hormones zooming through our bodies xxx
I've gone through waves of this since being pregnant! I love sex but sometimes I just can't bring myself to it. At the moment I'm being pretty average, but next week could be hardcore! Just don't know yet lol x
If you can't get your body into gear then you may need a break, but im sure it will all come back :) xx
I wish I could buy mojo in a jar it would be so much easier lol
I guess I just have to wait and see.
All I can hope is that I don't fall pregnant again 3 months after I've had Elijah.
I think it's pretty much the norm for sex drive to wane a bit during trimester 1 and 3 and to be there with a vengeance during trimester 2. Also remember you've been through a hard time lately with lots of pain and anxiety and that may be affecting you both physically and emotionally. I'm sure if you stop worrying about it or putting pressure on yourself, it'll might find you're not having it as often but when you do it is really special :) xx
i lost my sex drive thou we try ed it wasn't the same he felt restricted and baby was kicking as well plus at the end i nearly threw up i still wanna try it with but my body dosent wanna know must be annoying for him thou
I wish I could buy mojo in a jar it would be so much easier lol

very austin powers of you!! haha

Im the same! before i was pregnant, i was a complete sex addict and nothing would stop me!!! :) but throughout my pregnancy, my sex drive has gone high, low, high, low etc .... some nights im horny but just cant be arsed!!!

It's akward cos now I've moved bk to my mums n the room isn't done up yet I can't get my leg over lol
But then i want to but I don't.
My body is confused :(

I've done it 3 times since I fell pregnant and even that was too much. I feel sooooo sorry for him as he likes me pregnant and finds the whole 'i'm carrying his child thing' overly attractive and I'm not feeling sexy in the slightest. I was the same with my son tho and 4 weeks after I had him I was raging again and then he couldnt keep up.

Hope it comes back again this time or we're screwed!
I tried to get my grind on n Omg I just wasn't feeling happy.
I think it was bcos hubby wanted to but all I kept thinking was please get it over n done with......and everything downstairs swells up!!!
Off putting or what. I feel like a beached whale :(
Same same!! Except at least you're willing, i dont want anything to do with it.

I love him so much and just prefer to cuddle but anytime I go near him for that he gets 'that look' and I just wanna poke his eyes out!

Can't wait to feel normal about it again!
ive always had a high sex drive but now my OH has gone off it and he doesnt want sex while im pregnant, im gutted and very frustrated!! x
I lost my mojo after about 21 weeks but it is well and truly back as of last week and he wont give me any!!!
Have to admit the last time was about 3 weeks ago and I thought i had SPD afterwards for about 4 days i was in so much pain with my hips, pelvis etc. With horses, dogs and still working and i can't afford to feel like that again. So hubby will just have to go without, for the time being.

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