

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2015
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Sooooo who's still having sex? Think my OH is starting to feel more comfortable with the idea of having sex whilst I'm pregnant but we're a little nervous after hearing about some people bleeding afterwards and the worry that might bring. Any one carried on as normal?
Yeah it has reduced significantly cause im so damn tired all the time but we're continuing as normal. Ive had no problems no bleeding or anything or pain. I know my OH is freaking about later on when ill have a bump. I already had to convince him he wont be poking anything round the baby (bit full of himself ha!) but learning curve for us both.
We've done it once and I did bleed which scared the hell out of me. But it was only for that night and I didn't have any in the morning. Everyone said it was normal. I'd be carrying on if I didn't feel so sick.
I've had it a few times and no bleeding am sure u will be fine just too exhausted thers only a day between us think am due the 15th Oct x
I had sex once in tri 1. I worried about it immediately afterwards, because my OH can get a little rough (not beyond what I'm happy with normally, but given *everything* is worrying since getting pregnant, I worried). I felt a little sore afterwards but no bleeding.

I'm reluctant to do it since. It hasn't been an issue though, because after seeing the 12 week scan, OH is totally weirded out by the whole 'there is a tiny person in there' thing and won't do it!
We carried on as normal initially with no problems, in fact my sensations were much more heightened and orgasms were amazing! I did get cramp after a couple of times, which was scary but didn't last long. Then I got really sick and was sick in the middle of sex a couple of times, which I think was a pretty big turn off for both of us! Lol Since having a bump hubby is a bit more reluctant, especially being on top as he is concerned about hurting me and I'm just too exhausted to go on top so we've been having sex much less xx
Thanks girls! OH keeps saying he'll wait till babies born and I keep laughing saying that's the time he definitely has no chance of going near there!!! We might give it a gentle try, we did have sex the night before I got my BFP and that was fine but I think it's just knowing we're pregnant makes it harder (so to speak!) lol
We have done it a few times but its been hard when i'm so tired and although no bleeding its not been comfortable and can leave me a little sore (which I hope stops soon!!)
I'm really not in the mood for sex, so we haven't really! It's quite normal to bleed a bit after sex, but I know it's worrying x
I'm 40 weeks pregnant (today) and we've been having sex as normal throughout! I know most pregnant women don't feel up to it but I have as normal. I'd say we dtd about twice a week, and it would be more if I had it my way.
Even now I have a pink tint or a small amount of spotting when I wipe afterwards, but it's never been enough to freak me out.
Thanks ladies, we had a go last night and it was successful although I think my mind was elsewhere which meant it was a bit dryer which doesn't help! I think the 3 weeks ban has done him so good as it didn't take him as long as usual which used to mean I could end up a little sore so it worked well all round!
We haven't dtd since conception! Lol.

This is our Third baby and since baby number one we defo don't dtd A lot, which we are both fine about. But since I've become pregnant I'm just so tired and sick all the time it's non existent. Lol. We are still really close as always though and lots of cuddling etc. I think when I get. A proper bump it also freak DH out although he has never admitted this to me! Lol x
We've not had sex much at all, and we were an every day kinda couple before. But apparently at 13 weeks your sex drive improves and for me it really did my sex drive was back with avengenacne lol xxx
Not had any sex here and I must admit it's a welcome relief for both of us after TTC and at it like rabbits for 4 years!!
I do remember from previous pregnancies though that I got weird horrible cramps afterwards although I didn't have any bleeding so I just don't want to go there right now. My husband is totally ok with it though, we're a 'mature' couple so can handle it lol

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