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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
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Last night my partner and I had sex for the second time since finding out I was pregnant.
We were planning on not having intercourse for the first trimester, but after reading some 50 Shades of Grey... Well if you've read it you'll know what kind of mood it puts you in! ;)
Anyway, we had sex and afterwards I bled a little bit. It wasn't loads but it wasn't a bit of spotting either. I tried not to worry too much because after a few wipes it had nearly all gone, but is this common? Is it dangerous? Should we stop having sex? Have I put our baby at risk?
Paranoia, paranoia! :-s
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If there is blood I would ALWAYS advise a trip to the hospital. Good luck xx
I've read a lot of people say about spotting after sex and they say it's quite normal. It's because your cervix is extra sensitive and has a lot of blood flowing to it. Some women also get cramping after sex or an orgasm too. If your worried ring your dr or epu for some advice, i waited till my MW appt to ask her just for my own piece of mind. Hope your ok hun. All my friends are reading 50 shades of grey... I'm waiting to borrow the book but I've heard it's raunchy! Xxx
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I have heard that bleeding after sex is quite common in early pregnancy however, I would still give your mw a call just to be on the safe side. It's probably nothing but I would always err on the side of caution. Good luck, hope all is ok.
Thanks girlies :)

I don't have a contact number for my midwife - I don't even know who she/he is! And if there's something I'm worried about (like bleeding for example) and it's evening/night time, I obviously can't call my doctor, so what do I do? If I called NHS direct, would they just advise me to get checked over at the hospital?
I feel a bit lost really. I feel a bit like until I get to 8 weeks and see the midwife, I'm quite alone.
I'm so glad I have PF for support. I think I'd have had a nervous breakdown if it wasn't for the reassurance of the ladies here! <3

Oh Gem, it is rather raunchy! I never thought it was possible to be in love with two people at once, but I can safely say that I have well and truly fallen head over heals for Mr. Grey and am now cheating on my fiancé with him :D
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Was it quite thin blood? If so and you had no cramping then it really is most likely from your cervix.

You could phone your hospital EPU if you're worried though?

I started a new book last night which is quite raunchy. And our 'goodnight' sleep kiss and cuddle got a bit heated but I'm too scared for sex and I think DH is too. Lol.
Hi guys, im new on here and was hoping for some posative feedback! I found out im 41/2 weeks pregnant with my first, i was having what felt like period pains for weeks before i went to the hospital but my doctor said that was totally normal as the uterus would be growing. However since yesturday i have been spotting brown and pink nothing too heavy and the oains are still there yoo. i have rang the hospital and tge doctors and am having to stay off work but neither hospital or doctor said anything to put my mind at ease just that i have to wait til my scan on the 16th an see whats going on then. Im just wondering if any of you other ladies have had this problem in previous pregnancies or your pregnancy now? Any feedback will be much appreciated :) xx
Thanks girlies :)

I don't have a contact number for my midwife - I don't even know who she/he is! And if there's something I'm worried about (like bleeding for example) and it's evening/night time, I obviously can't call my doctor, so what do I do? If I called NHS direct, would they just advise me to get checked over at the hospital?
I feel a bit lost really. I feel a bit like until I get to 8 weeks and see the midwife, I'm quite alone.
I'm so glad I have PF for support. I think I'd have had a nervous breakdown if it wasn't for the reassurance of the ladies here! <3

Oh Gem, it is rather raunchy! I never thought it was possible to be in love with two people at once, but I can safely say that I have well and truly fallen head over heals for Mr. Grey and am now cheating on my fiancé with him :D

Haha my friend is in love with Mr. Grey too, she said shes having dreams about him! Its all good stuff ive heard cant wait to get my hands on the books!

With regards to speaking to someone, if your really worried ring the maternity ward and just ask for a bit of advice they are mw on there and just explain that you've not got a mw yet. I did that in my last pregnancy and they were really helpful for advice. xxx

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