
I walked in on mine doing it a few weeks ago cause had got off shift early. He nearly hit the roof with fright. Talk about awkward! Now I make sure i come through the front door VERY loudly and take a bit longer walking towards the living room. What really disturbed me tho was that he didn't have any tissue or anything ready so am not quite sure where he was gonna deposit it?!?

Mine went downstairs early this morning carrying his laptop, then came up and washed his hands. They obviously don't think these things through in advance ;) I have no idea if that's what he was doing but I have my suspicions!!
Thing is - it's him that's turning me down!! I even offered to give him a sneaky 'favour' yesterday and he just laughed! It's charming how he considers sexual favours a joke now that I'm pregnant. He'll not be laughing once baby's born and I'm too knackered and sore for any sort of activity for a few months, and I have a new love of my life to pay all my attention to!! xx
Urgh, sex is the last thing on my mind at the mo! Our poor OHs hahaha! It's usually 3 times a week for us, but lately it's gone down to once, twice if he's lucky haha!!! I just don't feel 'the urge' or feel sexy anymore! Dryness isn't a problem, I think it's just the amount of effort it now takes! OH is good though and doesn't nag me (too much) for it :).

:blue:Member Of Team Blue:blue:
My OH doesn't really nag that much either tbh. He has his moments, but he's generally pretty understanding.

He did ask for a blowie a few weeks back, and I replied with 'anything I eat, the baby eats!' And he was shocked enough not to ask for one for ages haha.
But now he's asking if I'll do it if he buys flavoured condoms. LOL - its actually laughable, poor guy! X

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
My OH doesn't really nag that much either tbh. He has his moments, but he's generally pretty understanding.

He did ask for a blowie a few weeks back, and I replied with 'anything I eat, the baby eats!' And he was shocked enough not to ask for one for ages haha.
But now he's asking if I'll do it if he buys flavoured condoms. LOL - its actually laughable, poor guy! X

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Haha I will need to remember that one! Mind you he usually only gets a BJ on his birthday or if I am proper hammered. Neither of which will be happening anytime soon!
My OH doesn't really nag that much either tbh. He has his moments, but he's generally pretty understanding.

He did ask for a blowie a few weeks back, and I replied with 'anything I eat, the baby eats!' And he was shocked enough not to ask for one for ages haha.
But now he's asking if I'll do it if he buys flavoured condoms. LOL - its actually laughable, poor guy! X

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Haha!!! That made me giggle!

I'm totally not up for it either atm - only dtd a few times since Christmas. I feel kinda guilty, but then I think he's resigned himself to it. I really should make the effort at some point.

Oh, ususally spooning or missionary with pillow here.

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