Sex! Sorry ladies have to ask!


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2006
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Question for Mum's but not about babies I'm afraid, more about the conception than the birth! How long do you generally have to wait before resuming relations? Had a c-section two weeks ago and felt so awful in pregnancy that I feel great now! Recovering very well and unfortunately so is my libido, delicate question so I can't ask my Mum, so asking other Mum's! :oops:


Kat x
not sure about the c-section bit, but i gave birth natural and had sex 1 week after x
Do you mean how soon should you wait till having sex again or before you try to cenceive again hun?

I had a natural birth adn had sex about 2 weeks later I think, mysex drive went right up afterwards for some reason!
As for the second question I can't answer as I'm not a GP but this link might help? xx
i should think with a c section its as soon as you feel comfortable to. Same as a normal birth.

Happy humping :dance:
LOL thank you ladies! NO it was just a question about "cuddles" not ready to get preggers again just yet but OH would be happy too already he's smitten and wants another one, all I want to do is get some sleep and fit back into my jeans! Oh and do the obvious as well, my sex drive is ridiculous but OH wants me to get checked by Doc first, I don't know what's happened, I expected to be off it for a month or six! Got my mother coming to stay for a week, she's coming tonight, that leaves this afternoon to seduce him! Sorry :oops: I think I'm in heat!

Kat x
Hi hun

I had a section with sophie and we had a cuddle :wink: pretty much as soon as i came home which was week later. I then had sex very very careful about 2 weeks after hun
My mate had a section and had *relations* the next week :wink:
your making me worry now. I still dont feel like having cuddles! Have a few times but..... Oh i feel guilty now!

I had a section and had "cuddles" 2/3 weeks later i think! they just say to do it when you feel ready/comfortable! (Thats what they told me at the hospital anyway!!)
Ah Jadie! Don't worry I think it has a lot to do with me and my OH being in a fairly new relationship, we've only been together a year so still fancy the pants of each other and didn't get to experience much of each other before we found out baby Molly was on her way! Getting married next year and expect it all to change after that!!!!

Kat x
I had a c section and think it was about 8-9 weeks after I had sex again. That was only due to bleeding and then having a period pretty much straight after. I was told we could whenever I felt ready.
Cuddles are happening again now! oliver is in his own room and sleeping better so more chances now! lol!

I felt like it about 2 weeks after my c section but probably waited about 4.

Was just really gentle.
Hmmm. i was told not to have sex for 6 weeks afterward coz risk of infection!
(i had a natural birth)
We had it after 5 but was still strange..
I bled pretty much for 5 weeks! Plus i was told no housework or anything for 2 weeks incase of hemmoridging (sp?) and didnt walk down the road til 2 weeks on! I had to sit down after 1 min of walking!
Hmmm am i just a wuss?
Felt like insides were gonna fall out it was gross!! (TMI)
I was told by the midwife at the hospital, my m/w at home & my doctor not to do it before 6 weeks as evrything is still so tender & the risk of infection.

My DH & I tried for the first time about a week ago (Jamie is now 4 months) it wasn't successful as it hurt so much I shrieked :( so I don't know when i'll be brave enough to try again, I expect by that time DH will have run off with someone else!!
nicki said:
I was told by the midwife at the hospital, my m/w at home & my doctor not to do it before 6 weeks as evrything is still so tender & the risk of infection.

My DH & I tried for the first time about a week ago (Jamie is now 4 months) it wasn't successful as it hurt so much I shrieked :( so I don't know when i'll be brave enough to try again, I expect by that time DH will have run off with someone else!!
Hun i was told the same..6weeks.
4months is quite long hunni, and it should be healed up okay bu now. uncomfortable is usual as its different in there lol, but it shouldnt be painful! Maybe see a doc? Or try some lubricant?
As for ur DH leaving u, i highly doubt it after having his beautiful boy!! :D
I was going to ask the same thing today, so you've all answered already!! Thanks! :lol:

I think I've got my libedo back early though! :oops: I want sex all the time - it's all I think about! :oops: But there is no way I can even attempt it because of the pain in my pelvis. :( Hopefully it will ease up soon after my section and I can jump on DH!!!! :rotfl:
I had to wait 4 weeks after jodie i needed stitching after my natural birth it was so frustraiting cos i couldn't do a thing and my fella kept bringing porn home tpo wind me up. We are normal again now though we have it ass much as we get chance. Its important to have it we tend to argue with built up frustration i think. ha ha Take it easy first and you be right as rain soon.

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