sex every day ?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2012
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Hi . Is it ok to have sex every day on fertile time or close to it to cover it ? X
I do it every other day, to give the little spermies a chance to recuperate!
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Yeah every other day is better just though I'd try every day As I don't live with partner and worried if I get positive o test and don't have sex that day xx
You don't really need to BD every day as the swimmers can live for a few days depending on the conditions of the cervix. I understand why you want to though, it's entirely your choice really hun. :)

x x
every other day is the best so the little spermies are 100% gd to go again hehe xx
Yeah I'd say every other day too- every day is just too exhausting:D xx
We tried to dtd every day this cycle and ended up exhausted and forcing ourselves. We've not done it once since I hit the TWW and are enjoying the rest!

If it doesn't happen this cycle we are planning to BD every other during my fertile period.

If this weather continues it will be even harder to motivate us! :nap:
We didn't catch the month we had sex 7 days straight (and to be honest it started to feel like a chore after day 5 :shock:)

We dtd 3 days in a row after getting + OPK this time and that did the trick!

hey love,

I did SMEP and alot of people think that this is like a sex schedule or a chore but personally for me it suited me and my partner good as I have a highish sex drive, he has a higher one than me so every other day through out the cycle was perfect for us, and we also got our BFP the first time doing SMEP so it must have worked, but having sex every day does no good, it dilutes the sperm or so I hear.

good luck xxxx

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