some info on cervical mucus and when to have sex

cosmicgirl i wish i cud give you some of my sex drive just for tonight so you n oh could :bd:
well a few girls on here have mentioned it
it also increases sperms chance if u do it near to cervix as vagina is a die zone but it has to be a clean sterile baster just get some sterilizing fluid i think im no expert though x x x
Yeah me too lol. Cant go a day without and if Oh falls asleep then he gets woke up ha ha :) xx
Yeah me too lol. Cant go a day without and if Oh falls asleep then he gets woke up ha ha :) xx

o god me too lol its mad he tells me i shud be the bloke in the relationship lol :roll::roll:
will do kezza :) iv got a bit too much i think lmao !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha ha Cosmic girl your Oh can have some off me and my OH lol. xx
thats it girls spread the luurrvvveee or mojo anyway lol :P
That must be awful when one of you is not interested, we're lucky because we both aren't interested xx
that may be coz of that little bean snuggling in huny :P
im like a bloody rabbit atm its so bad to add to it my little one goes to school at 9 and oh dont leave for work untill 2 lol :blush:
Some times i go off :bd:.. But i told OH that this month he will have to have LOADS of energy because i want it every morning/night :blush:.. Not like last month, i was practically throwing myself at him lol and he would just go asleep! :trouble:
I really hope so linx :clover:

It's ok cosmicgirl, the OH has been really understanding & think he'd rather wait until we know what's what plus he can think of other ways to have fun ;-)

Cosmic, I hope you dont mind me joining in on this conversation. I am a bit of a sex maniac but I hear what you are saying about your relationship. Have you tried tantric sex? Its all about senses, smells,touch its evry gentle. Personally I have not ever done tantric sex but it sounds amazing. Just a thought for you as it will bring you and your partner close and may ignite some sexual chemistry? xxx
Hi Helven, thanks so much for your input. I'm quite a spiritual person, I meditate regularly so I would consider tantric, my oh on the other hand would not. He hates anything spiritual or deep, he thinks it's all rubbish. Tbh it doesn't bother us that we don't have sex, it's just difficult because we are ttc and I'm like god it's ov day, we have to bd and he's like really ? Do we have to? xx

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