Sex after mc?


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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What were you ladies told in regards to having sex after a mc?

I was told not to have sex at all until after my first real period (you have to have atleast 20days bleed free after your mc and before your next period for it to be considered a "real period".)

But I have heard of other people being told that they are ok to have sex as soon as the mc bleeding stops.....curious as to why different people are advised different things?

I am not planning on trying again for another baby just yet so waiting for one period is not a concern for me in regards to dating another pregnancy so just wanted to know if this is the only reason behind waiting?

After a recent checkup for continued bleeding I was advised that my cervix is now completely closed so I am assuming infection caused by sex shouldn't be a worry for me anymore?

Any advice or shared experience would be helpful :)

I wasn't told anything tbh bith times but first time I bled for 3 weeks on and off anyways so was about 4-5 weeks after but second time I bled for 1 day after erpc sooo for the wen u stop bleeding bit was a bit soon for me after erpc I was ready a week after but I didn't as thought was just to soon and didn't want to get infection so I waited 4 weeks just to make sure all was healed etc xx
Hi, I've never waited until my first AF, just until I've stopped bleeding. Never been advised to wait either. I think there are a few factors involved in the advice they'll give you such as gestational age at time of mc, medical verses natural mc, how long you bled for, was it a fairly smooth process etc, not to mention which Doctor is dishing out the advice - They all have varying opinions on their own. We always used condoms until I felt ready to let nature do her thing.
Hi helen, sorry for your loss, I was told to wait for a period after my son was stillborn in April by one doctor and wait to try a couple of months by a different doctor and try when I like by a midwife. It was the same with my mcs I kept getting different answers. I dont think there is a strict rule as in my experience iv heard different things by different people. I conceived 5 weeks After my son was born and didn't have a period, I think they say this as it's easier to date a pregnancy if you wait for a period but I'm not sure why so many different things are said it's so confusing! xx
I was told to wait two weeks after d&c
The differing advice from different medical teams amazes me, you would think there would be concrete set rules or something but I guess not. My mc bleeding seems to have FINALLY stopped after 3 weeks so I will give it a few more days to be sure and play it by ear. Thanks for the replies ladies x
Sorry for your loss

I wasn't told anything and just took it as it came (my ectopic was quite rough so was a while until we did feel up to it) :)
I asked my mw at epu and she said as soon as the bleeding stopped it was fine, i bled for 2 weeks then had sex the day it stopped and i was fine x
I had a D&C yesterday and they advised me to wait two weeks before I had sex so I wasn't at risk of getting an infection. They told me many women have sex too soon after surgery and are re-admitted with infections. I was advised when we do have sex, to use condoms till after my 1st proper period but I think that is just to make it easier to date me if I fall pregnant again straight away.

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