Sex after mc painful help


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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Just a bit of background I started mc three weeks ago two weeks ago I got rushed to hospital for heavy bleeding, my body wouldn't let go and I'd got an infection anyway after trying everything they rushed me to surgery and removed the remaining tissue, last night me and dh tried to have sex and it hurt like hell, should I be worried or is this normal? Looking online most people are ok a week later.
We aren't trying for another child so using protection.
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I would go and speak to your GP. They might say it'll take time, or could be something else. I'd want to know either way, just to be on the safe side.
if youve had an infection it will definatly be sore for a while i was sore for a few weeks after both my erpcs. i also had sex 1-2 days after one of my operations, (very silly but i was in a bad state and was obv trying to get pregnant asap) but that was very painful. see or ring your docter if your worried tho hun they can put ur mind at ease xxx
Thanks for your replys I did a test to make sure all clear like they told me to so I'm not as worried as much now, my bleeding has stopped too. I finished my antibiotics a few days ago. I think I'm just paranoid because of the sudden heavy bleeding before and everything that happened

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Hi hunny. I had very heavy bleeding after an erpc that went wrong and I was very sore inside and sex was painful for some time after. It's where your cervix was forced open was about a month before I didn't feel so sore when we had sex. You will get there just take some people longer than others to heal. Your body went through a lot up there so poking it doesn't help if you get what I mean. It hurt me so bad but I needed the closeness with him so did it anyways. Felt like is been kicked by a horse after. Sorry for your loss xxx
Hi hunny. I had very heavy bleeding after an erpc that went wrong and I was very sore inside and sex was painful for some time after. It's where your cervix was forced open was about a month before I didn't feel so sore when we had sex. You will get there just take some people longer than others to heal. Your body went through a lot up there so poking it doesn't help if you get what I mean. It hurt me so bad but I needed the closeness with him so did it anyways. Felt like is been kicked by a horse after. Sorry for your loss xxx

sorry for your loss thank you the erpc thankfully went well I had the infection before so I seem to be healing well. It's very reasurring hearing your story, I made a mistake of googling and they all seem to be at it days later.

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Google can be your best friend but also your worst enemy xxx

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