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Settling at night


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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Isla won't settle at night on her own. We have to wait until she's fallen asleep on one of us or in the bed next to us after a feed and then transfer her really carefully to her moses basket, hoping she doesn't wake up.

Any advice...?
I was never bothered about Seb settling on his own as we co-sleep though that's been cut right down now-his choice not mine :-( But now he settles well on his own. We have a strict bedtime routine-bath, baby massage, sleep suit on, nursery rhymes, feed. Then straight after his feed he goes down in his cot. If he's really restless he has his dummy. One of us stays with him, holding his hand or sometimes stroking his hair until he's asleep and it's going really well. You could try swaddling? Seb hates it so I don't know how effective it is but I've heard good things. Also you could sleep with one of her blankets for a couple of nights and then put that in her cot so she can smell you x
Tried swaddling but she's not keen. Thanks for the blanket idea - I'll try that. I don't really know if I should be worried about her not settling on her own at this stage anyway...she's only wee!
IMHO I would say you shouldn't worry. Babies learn to settle on their own in their own time. I'm of the opinion that if your baby wants to sleep on you and cuddle then that's what they should do though I know many people would disagree. They're only babies for such a short time! I know Seb can sleep on his own and yet when he let's me I'll still cuddle him to sleep! We only implemented a bedtime routine because Seb was starting to set his own and now at nearly 12 weeks OH and I have our time together back as Sebs in bed for 7.30 x x
I've always stuck to a strict bedtime routine with charley and when I moved his bedtime to 7.30 he became unsettle and would cry and I would be up and down the stairs until I went to bed at 10! After 2 weeks of his earlier routine he goes down fine now but I do use a dummy. With night feeds he goes straight down without his dummy.
Jaxom has to sleep in with me and DH too, doesn't matter what we try the minute he is moved he wakes up so we given up trying to get him to settle in moses basket at night for now xx
My Isla didn't settle herself either until last night! Put her mobile on, it's a tiny love one with music and a light and the three times she woke up, once I'd fed her and put her down awake it helped her sleep with NO tears :) couldn't believe it. Give LO more time xx
we put noa to bed n if he was cryin we sat with him til he was calmed, not holdin him tho, just strokin him. then left the room. if he started to cry we gave him 5 min before we went back in n stroked him til he was settled, soon enough he fell asleep himself before 5 min was up, it took a while but now we put him down awake at 8.30 n he dont cry (very rarely) n fall asleep.
if he start to cry we just make sure hes ok then leave him top 10 min, but by then he have settled him self back to sleep xx
Colbi`s nearly 5 months and hes still in bed with me and will be till hes a year when he will go onto a bottle n go into his own room, but i too am havin trouble settling colbi at night, i use dummy and my breast but lately he dont seem to want to settle x
My Isla didn't settle herself either until last night! Put her mobile on, it's a tiny love one with music and a light and the three times she woke up, once I'd fed her and put her down awake it helped her sleep with NO tears :) couldn't believe it. Give LO more time xx

I've just bought the Tiny Love night mobile. Haven't tried it yet as not sure where to put it - it can't be put into the Moses basket.
I take Chloe to bed at 7pm now and bf her till she is asleep I give her 1 he I'd she is still awake (rare) I pop her in we cot stick her light show if he moans and walk out we have the monitor on and I listen for her but 9/10 she doesn't cry and goes straight to sleep think god has blessed me this time coz zander wouldn't settle till he was 6 months old lol
I can put Aiden to bed awake in his moses basket next to us! But he takes 10 mins or so to settle, he has a dummy, I usually have to keep popping it back in. I tell you what you could try. He loves his Winnie the Pooh night light show and lays and watches that and he usually falls asleep to it. If he crys it sets back off again! xx
My Isla didn't settle herself either until last night! Put her mobile on, it's a tiny love one with music and a light and the three times she woke up, once I'd fed her and put her down awake it helped her sleep with NO tears :) couldn't believe it. Give LO more time xx

I've just bought the Tiny Love night mobile. Haven't tried it yet as not sure where to put it - it can't be put into the Moses basket.

Isla is in her cot, she outgrew her Moses basket at 5 weeks! She seems to enjoy the mobile. It's quite hypnotic! X
Isla is now settling on her own at night :dance: We put her in her Moses basket after her bottle of Expressed breast milk and she burbles for a while whilst listening to the Tiny Love and eventually drops off. After feeds in the night, she also goes back to sleep on her own. What a star!

But during the day...completely different story!
George is the same - I let him fall mostly asleep on me at night (need his mind to be fully on sleep or he wont stop wanting food!) and then into basket no probs but in the day time he can be a right pain - i'm looking forward to when he is more interested in playing and happy doing that for longer than 10mins!!! At the moment during the day a lot of the time I have to put him in my sling to get him to sleep, just glad hes ok at night.

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