Setdse Being induced tonight! UPDATE BABY HERE!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Sunday: Got a few messages from her, this one first :
"Hey You ok?pcr up at 700 def Gunna induce within next 4 days. Dr talkin to consultant to decide whether to do it today or wait for scan. But don't think I'll be goin home tonight either way. X"

Then I received
"Doin it today. :) giving me the pessary and then its a waiting game. X"

Will update as necessary!

UPDATE monday: got a text from sophie saying:
"they pulled it out. and im only 1cm :( she said she can break my waters but will hurt so think they will wait."

UPDATE Tuesday am: "Feel rough. Haven't slept since sat night threw up everywhere this morn.on good note had a show and got the pes in so waiting for it to settle then goin for walk"

Sophie has had her baby! "Dylan Jamie Everett was born at 9.17pm with help of ventous 5lb 1.5oz healthy and no need for any help :)"

Massive congratulations!!
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oooh good luck, I hope everything is ok with your little man and everything goes smoothly for you. I cant believe 1st april baby will be here
Good luck hun!!!! Thanks for update flexi!

So exciting! First of many 'April' births! Good luck Hun! X
Good luck Sophie - better out than in in your case, lol. xxx
Her last fb update 13 hourrs ago said getting mild period pains xx
Oh I hope all goes well for her x
good luck how exciting for u, hope u have ur lil one in ur arms soon x
Awww Sophie, I hope things move quicker for you soon!


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