It would be great if you could share your experiences of your LO's separation anxiety. Anything which helped? How long did it last? When did end?
DD has been having separation/stranger anxiety for the last few weeks, so it started around 7 months. I have never left her for longer than an hour at the time (maybe that's why she has the anxiety in the first place??).
I have been going to the gym from around when she was 3 months old and had no problem leaving her at the creche. However, they have recently called me back after about 30 mins. I've asked them to call me back before she starts crying too hard. The severity of her crying seems to depend on who is working at the creche. The same applies to my friends, some are fine, some she doesn't seem to 'like' as much.
We co-sleep and up to now the bedtime has been easy. I used to put her to sleep and she would be fine in the bedroom until I went to sleep myself. Recently though, she still goes to sleep fine, but keeps waking up before I go to bed myself. I am certain it's to do with the anxiety as when I go to her, she stops crying. Any tips from other co-sleepers?
What I am really happy about though is that even though OH spends a lot of time overseas she has never shown any signs of shyness/stranger anxiety when he comes back.
The only solution which has worked so far is for me to go to her and give her a cuddle, which I don't mind doing as I can understand that becoming independent can be a distressing process for babies. I am not too keen on controlled crying etc. I look forward to reading how you others have tackled this stage.
It would be great if you could share your experiences of your LO's separation anxiety. Anything which helped? How long did it last? When did end?
DD has been having separation/stranger anxiety for the last few weeks, so it started around 7 months. I have never left her for longer than an hour at the time (maybe that's why she has the anxiety in the first place??).
I have been going to the gym from around when she was 3 months old and had no problem leaving her at the creche. However, they have recently called me back after about 30 mins. I've asked them to call me back before she starts crying too hard. The severity of her crying seems to depend on who is working at the creche. The same applies to my friends, some are fine, some she doesn't seem to 'like' as much.
We co-sleep and up to now the bedtime has been easy. I used to put her to sleep and she would be fine in the bedroom until I went to sleep myself. Recently though, she still goes to sleep fine, but keeps waking up before I go to bed myself. I am certain it's to do with the anxiety as when I go to her, she stops crying. Any tips from other co-sleepers?
What I am really happy about though is that even though OH spends a lot of time overseas she has never shown any signs of shyness/stranger anxiety when he comes back.
The only solution which has worked so far is for me to go to her and give her a cuddle, which I don't mind doing as I can understand that becoming independent can be a distressing process for babies. I am not too keen on controlled crying etc. I look forward to reading how you others have tackled this stage.