Self Settling


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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What age did your LO start to self settle at night?

I'm asking after spending the last 2 hours trying to get mine back to sleep.

I love cuddling her to sleep but wish she could just go on her own.

I have tried a projecter mobile but it just keeps her awake. Any night time toys just make her want to play and if i leave her she just screams and i can't cope with it. I know some people say its what is best but i can't listen to my LO scream her lungs out.

Any advice appreciated!
Let me know if you find anything ms 13 m and still won't self settle

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Give her a chance to fall asleep on her own from about six to eight weeks.
Just found that on baby centre... Guess thats where i went wrong i just wanted to cuddle her!
G will do it on her own sometimes, but sometimes she needs a cuddle. I put her down and see what happens. Xxx
I never cuddle theo to sleep. He self settles every time. Think it's because I just did it from day he came Home.
Ms ill a lot of the time she used to SS but countless hospital trips messed that up

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O has always self settled I can put him to bed wide awake and put on his lullaby light box and he falls to sleep :love:

Mummy to my beautiful boy, Orlando Ronald-1/1/12 @4.12pm weighing 6lb10oz
If baby used to cuddles to sleep try to wean them off with rocking them in your arms straight out with your hands behind head and place them in cot when half asleep so they actually fall asleep in cot. Probs the next stage is to place directly in cot and use lullaby toy/mobile. I use the lullaby seahorse with F. It always help him drift off when I put him down. Good luck xxx
Tyler likes laying on the bed with me being fed. In the day he'll sleep in his chair fine but he likes his comfort at night :)

I think we made it hard for ourselves because we cuddled her to sleep from day one and now it's hard to get out of.

Shes having trouble sleeping at nights now because of a tooth thats making its way through so maybe she might settle down after that.

Thanks for replying girls.


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